LEGO® ended their Harry Potter sets back in 2012 and I started working diligently at collecting everything I didn’t yet have. It took about two years for me to (mostly) complete this task and that’s when I started looking to the future.
You see, I just knew that someday LEGO® would return to this magical world with new sets. It didn’t take a crystal ball for me to realize this. The popularity of this franchise has grown since they stopped production in 2012 and I knew they’d be foolish to not realize the monetary benefit for them to add to this line.
It turns out that 2018 is that magical year. Yes, this is when we start getting new sets (yes, I know, there were a few creations for the LEGO® Dimensions game, but I’m not including those because they were very small builds) and I couldn’t be happier!
I’ve done my best to provide you with a list of all the releases that are expected for 2018 as well as where you can (eventually) preorder or buy them.
This list includes both confirmed and rumored sets. Why, you might wonder, am I including details about unconfirmed sets? The answer is, because I found enough information during my research to think that they will eventually be confirmed. I will updates sets from rumored to confirmed as I find out more details about them.
Please keep in mind that the details seen here are subject to change.
FYI, for those who don’t know, the long orange item seen with some of the sets is a brick separator. Trust me when I say that this tool is invaluable for separating stubborn bricks!
Click here to see the complete list of all Harry Potter and Fantastic Beast LEGO® sets
Set 30407 – Harry’s Journey To Hogwarts |
This Is A Harry Potter Set
- 36 pieces | MSRP $3.99, €unknown | Ages 6+
- Estimated Release Date: August, 2018
- Minifigures Included In Set: Harry Potter and Hedwig
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
This is a small polybag set with Harry Potter getting ready to go on the Hogwarts Express with his beloved owl, Hedwig.
Buy from the following sites:

Set 40289 – Diagon Alley (Micro Build) |
This Is A Harry Potter Set
- Unknown pieces | MSRP $unknown, €unknown | Ages 10+
- Estimated Release Date: Unknown
- Minifigures Included In Set: Mr. Ollivander
- Rumored Or Confirmed:
Someone recently leaked a photo from another country of a microscale sized LEGO set of Diagon Alley. It includes Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, Flourish & Blotts, Ollivanders Wand Shop, Quality Quidditch Supplies, and Gringotts Bank. If this ends up being true then it will be the perfect compliment to the microscale version of Hogwarts castle.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:

Set 41615 – Harry Potter And Hedwig |
This Is A Harry Potter BrickHeadz Set
- 180 pieces | MSRP $14.99, €14,99 | Ages 10+
- Estimated Release Date: July 1, 2018
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
The BrickHeadz versions of Harry Potter and his beloved (and occasionally grumpy) owl Hedwig look great! Harry comes complete with his signature glasses and scar, as well as a Gryffindor scarf. Hedwig looks like a brick version of a snowy owl, and her wings have printed feathers on them.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:

Set 41616 – Hermione Granger |
This Is A Harry Potter BrickHeadz Set
- 127 pieces | MSRP $9.99, €9,99 | Ages 10+
- Estimated Release Date: July 1, 2018
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
The BrickHeadz version of Hermione Granger is adorable! I love the way they managed to make her hair look wavy and bushy with bricks. She is wearing her Gryffindor uniform and the printing on the skirt to make it look like there are pleats is perfect. And, of course, Hermione is holding in her left hand a book.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:

Set 41621 – Ron Weasley And Albus Dumbledore |
This Is A Harry Potter BrickHeadz Set
- 245 pieces | MSRP $14.99, €14,99 | Ages 10+
- Estimated Release Date: July 1, 2018
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
Ron looks how I’d imagine he would as a BrickHeadz but I think that the LEGO company outdid themselves with Dumbledore. He looks gorgeous! I love the all the detail that went into the printed bricks.
This set is a Target exclusive but will later be available at after-market sites.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:

Set 41631 – Newt Scamander And Gellert Grindelwald |
This Is A Fantastic Beasts Brickheadz Set
- 247 pieces | MSRP $unknown, €unknown | Ages 10+
- Estimated Release Date: Unknown
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
The LEGO company is adding Fantastic Beasts to their Brickheadz line and the first addition is the duo of Newt Scamander and Gellert Grindelwald. No word yet on when these will be released.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:

Set 5005254 – Toys-R-Us Bricktober Minifigures |
This Is A Harry Potter Set
- 25 pieces | MSRP is Unknown | Ages 6+
- Estimated Release Date: October, 2018 (possibly, since this is when Bricktober has traditionally been)
- Minifigures Included In Set: Rolanda Hooch, Horace Slughorn, Delores Umbridge, and Boggart Snape
- Rumored Or Confirmed:
Rumored, but the picture below pretty much confirms itConfirmed
This set was meant to be a Toys-R-Us exclusive item for their annual Bricktober event. Unfortunately, Toys-R-Us went out of business so they won’t be able to sell this collection. I read an article that said LEGO is going to allow other merchants to sell it but I don’t yet know who that will be. I also don’t know for sure that this will be released in October now that it won’t be sold by Toys-R-Us. With any luck, we will be able to buy it sooner.
Update: LEGO finally released information on this set. I don’t know about countries that still have Toys-R-Us stores but Barnes & Noble will get this exclusive set in the USA.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:

Here is what the newly updated packaging looks like:

Set 71022 – Minifigure Series #1 |
This Is A Harry Potter And Fantastic Beasts Set
- 22 Minifigures | MSRP $3.99 USD | Ages Unknown
- Estimated Release Date: August, 2018
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
LEGO has added Harry Potter to their Collectible Minifigure Series (aka CMF). There will be 22 different characters, which sounds wonderful! There’s a catch, though. The CMF lines are all in blind bags, so you don’t know what you are getting before you buy it. On the plus side, opening them will be like Christmas morning, filled with with great surprises.
Buy from the following sites:
Set 71043 – Hogwarts Castle |
This Is A Harry Potter Set
- 6,020 pieces | MSRP $399.99, €unknown | Ages 16+
- Estimated Release Date: September 1, 2018
- Minifigures Included In Set: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw. Also has 27 microfigures: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Albus Dumbledore, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, Remus Lupin, Professor Dolores Umbridge, Argus Filch, Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, 3 students from each of the 4 houses, 2 chess pieces and the Architect of Hogwarts statue and 5 Dementors, plus Aragog the spider and the Basilisk figures, and a buildable Hungarian Horntail dragon.
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
This is an amazing set! First of all, it’s HUGE!!! Some people are disappointed that it includes microfigures (figures that are smaller than minifigures) but this was necessary to keep the castle from being overwhelmingly large. It was built to the scale of the microfigures and anything bigger would have been too much.
As you might imagine, there are plenty of secrets to be discovered. The Chamber of Secrets is hidden under the castle, there is a dragon trying to catch and eat Harry, rooms for the professors, and so much more. This is a set that will be treasured for years to come.
Buy from the following sites:

Set 75951 – Grindelwald’s Escape |
This Is A Fantastic Beasts Set
- 132 pieces | MSRP $19.99, €29,99 | Ages 7+
- Estimated Release Date: August 1, 2018
- Minifigures Included In Set: Gellert Grindelwald and Seraphina Picquery, and a Thestral creature
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
This set is from the upcoming movie, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. It includes a carriage which, I assume, Grindelwald will use to escape from his fight with the President of MACUSA.
The Thestral looks very similar to the Thestrals that were released in earlier sets but has a bit more detail and looks less like a horse than the previous model.
My favorite detail from the pictures is that there will be water that the minifigures can hold. The water is from spells they are casting. This is the first time we’ve seen a Harry Potter LEGO set include any kind of visual for a spell.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:

Set 75952 – Newt Scamander’s Briefcase |
This Is A Fantastic Beasts Set
- 132 pieces | MSRP Unknown | Ages Unknown
- Estimated Release Date: August 1, 2018
- Minifigures Included In Set: Tina Goldstein, Queenie Goldstein, Newt Scamander, and Jacob Kowalski
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
Very little is known about this set at this time, not even what it looks like, but hopefully that will change soon, since we are just a few months away from August as I write this. The only thing I could find was a rumor, so take this with a grain of salt.
We know from the name that this will be Newt Scamander’s briefcase, the one that he carries around with him and contains a wide range of beasts. According to rumor, there will be a couple of beasts that you can build to put inside the case.
The low price make me suspect that this will be a small set so I can’t imagine that the creatures will be very big or that there will be many of them. Time will tell.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:
FYI – J.K. Rowling recently shared a picture of a LEGO niffler, which is absolutely adorable! I’m including a picture of it here, even though I don’t know for sure if it goes with this set, because it makes sense that it would go inside Newt’s case.
June 4, 2018 Update: The picture of the box includes this little niffler so I am happy to say that it will be included in this set.

Set 75954 – Hogwarts Great Hall |
This Is A Harry Potter Set
- 878 pieces | MSRP $99.99, €99,99 | Ages Unknown
- Estimated Release Date: August 1, 2018
- Minifigures Included In Set: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Susan Bones, Professor McGonagall, Professor Quirrell with dual Lord Voldemort face, Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore and Nearly Headless Nick, plus buildable Basilisk and Fawkes creatures, and Hedwig and Scabbers figures
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
This is a gorgeous interpretation of the Hogwarts Great Hall! LEGO has already created multiple sets of the castle but this one is very different than those. The most obvious difference are the colors. Gone are the sand green used on the roof and turrets, and I think this is a good thing. The beige used for the walls looks a bit darker, less yellow, and works quite well with the grey roof bricks.
LEGO has also added a couple of minifig characters not seen before: Susan Bones and Nearly-Headless Nick. Professor Quirrel was released in the past but that minifig had a yellow head. I much prefer the flesh-tone bodies, which these are.
The pictures show that there will be plenty to see and secrets to learn inside the castle. So far, my favorite touch is the inclusion of the Mirror of Erised up at the top of the tower. One side of the mirror shows Harry Potter with his parents James and Lily Potter. The mirror swings around revealing another image, one of Quirrel holding the Sorcerer’s Stone.
This set connects with set 79593 – Whomping Willow to create a larger castle.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:

Set 79590 – Aragog In The Forbidden Forest |
This Is A Harry Potter Set
- 157 pieces | MSRP $14.99, €19,99 | Ages Unknown
- Estimated Release Date: August 1, 2018
- Minifigures Included In Set: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley
- Rumored Or Confirmed:
As you can tell from the information above, almost nothing is yet known about this set other than it’s number and price. I’ll add more information as I find it. At this time, the only thing we know is that it is a small build. I doubt there will be anything other than Aragog, though maybe it will also have a web or tree, although rumor currently has it that there will be minifigs of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley included with it.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:
Set 79593 – Whomping Willow |
This Is A Harry Potter Set
- 753 pieces | MSRP $69.99, €69,99 | Ages Unknown
- Estimated Release Date: August 1, 2018
- Minifigures Included In Set: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Seamus Finnegan, Argus Filch, and Severus Snape, plus a Hedwig figure
- Rumored Or Confirmed: Confirmed
The title of this set is a bit misleading because it comes with far more than just the Whomping Willow. It also has Arthur Weasley’s Ford Anglia that Ron and Harry stole so they could fly to Hogwarts and another section of the Hogwarts Castle.
I am very happy that it includes a couple of minifigs that haven’t been released yet: Argus Filch and Seamus Finnegan.
This set connects with 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall for a larger castle and playset.
Preorder or buy from the following sites:

This is how it looks when both sets (Hogwarts Great Hall and Whomping Willow) are joined together:

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