Have you arrived here from Google, Pinterest, or another method in search of Harry Potter video games? You've landed at the right place because I've compiled all the games that are currently available for sale and provide you with plenty of buying options.
Harry Potter video games have become wildly popular among fans of the books and movies. There are games based on each of the books, as well as games that deal with certain elements from the games, such as spells and potions.
The games are available on a variety of gaming platforms, such as Windows PC, Mac, Playstation, X-Box, Nintendo DS, and the Wii. I have gathered all the currently available video games, provided information about what gaming platforms they can be played on, and show you where you can buy them.
As you look at the images in the Table of Contents you might notice that the early games don't use actor likenesses like the later games do. This is because the very first game was published one year before the first movie was released. I can't help but wonder if it took a while for Electronic Arts to get approval from the various actors to be able to use their likenesses in the games but they eventually did, which is why the later games look like the movies.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2001
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Game Boy Advance
Game Boy Color
PC Playstation
Playstation 2
In this game you play as Harry Potter and you get to ride your broom while playing Quidditch, wander around the Hogwarts castle under your Invisibility Cloak, talk to many characters including Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Hagrid, and Gilderoy Lockhart.
The reviews for this game are very positive. Owners agree that it is a great game for fans of the Harry Potter series but is also great as a stand alone game. They also really like the graphics and the fact that there is a lot to do in the game.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2002
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Game Boy Advance
Game Boy Color
Playstation 2
You get to play this game as Harry Potter as you try to figure out the mystery of the Secret Chamber. You also get to learn to fly your broom, spells, and duel with your wand, all of which will help you progress through the game.
The reviews for this game just as positive as the first. People love the richly detailed world the game is set in, the graphics, and the game play. A lot of people enjoyed this game more than the first, saying it was a better game and that there were improvements made to the game, such as how Harry's mouth now opens when he talks.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2004
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Game Boy Advance
Playstation 2
You can play as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, or Hermione Granger as you work to figure out the mystery of Sirius Black. Fight Dementors, fly on Buckbeak, duel with other wizards, learn spells, control dragons, and go anywhere you want in Hogwarts Castle.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2005
Player Mode: 3-Player cooperative, multiplayer, single player
ESRB Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10 and up
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Game Boy Advance
GameCube Nintendo DS
Playstation 2
Playstation Portable (PSP)
This is the first of the video games based on the stories that increased the game play from single mode to multiplayer mode and 3-player cooperative mode, meaning more than one person can play at a time and you can help each other complete the game. You can play as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, or Hermione Granger as you progress through the story.
This particular game did not get very good reviews from players. The playing system changed and was confusing to many people, and Electronic Arts did away with the secret areas, side games, and beautiful graphics that were in the first three games.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2007
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10 and up
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Game Boy Advance
Mac OS X
Nintendo DS
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Playstation Portable (PSP)
Xbox 360
This game returned to single player game mode. You can play as Harry Potter through most of the game but towards the end you can also play as Headmaster Dumbledore or Sirius Black. You will battle villains like Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, and Lord Voldemort.
The ratings for this game are much better than the last. I can't help but wonder if this is partly due to the fact that Electronic Arts returned to the single player game mode.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2009
Player Mode: Single player, multiplayer
ESRB Rating: 12+ for ages 12 and up
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Nintendo DS
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Playstation Portable (PSP)
Xbox 360
You play this game as Harry Potter for most of the game but there are a few places where you can play as Ron Weasley or Ginny Weasley. If you get stuck you can ask for help from Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor. You play Quidditch, duel with other students, learn potions, and search the castle with the Maurader's Map.
This game has great ratings. People love the game play and the graphics. The game doesn't take too long to finish, which some people liked while others wished it was longer.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2010
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: T for Teen
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Nintendo DS
Playstation 3
Xbox 360
This game differs from the previous six games in that it now uses a third person shooter with an over-the-shoulder camera, a game style popular among games made for adults. It also has a system where Harry gains experience as you play and you can upgrade his spells to make them more powerful. You play only as Harry but Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger assist you at times as you play. There are no difficult puzzles to solve and game play is very linear.
The reviews for this game are mixed. A lot of people miss the free roaming that the other games had, and many don't like the third person shooter view or the linear storyline. On the other hand, they love the graphics and an equal number of people like the third person shooter view.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2011
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10 and up
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Nintendo DS
Playstation 3
Xbox 360
You get to play as a whopping eight different characters in this, the final game based directly on one of the books. You can play as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, Seamus Finnigan, Ginny Weasley, and Molly Weasley.
This game has MUCH better reviews than part 1. It is still a third person shooter game but it seems that Electronic Arts improved on the way the game is played. People also love the graphics, but many complained that the game is too short.
Harry Potter for Kinect

Manufacturer: Warner Bros. Games
Year Released: 2012
Player Mode: Single player, multiplayer
ESRB Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10 and up
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Xbox 360 with Kinect
This game was made exclusively for the Xbox 360's Kinect technology. One of the neatest aspects of this game is that you can scan your face into the game and play as yourself!
There isn't a lot of information available about this game and at the time of this writing there is only one review. The reviewer gave the game five stars but didn't say anything about why he or she liked it.
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2003
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Game Boy Advance
Playstation 2
If you are a fan of Quidditch then this is the game for you! This game is all about playing Quidditch. You start out playing to win the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup for whatever Hogwarts House you choose to play for. After you win the Hogwarts Cup with any of the four House teams the World Cup unlocks so you can play for the World Cup.
When you are playing at Hogwarts you can play for any of the four Houses. When you advance to the World Cup level then you play for countries. You also get to see characters from the movies and books, including Viktor Krum and Ludo Bagman.
This game has pretty good reviews. People love the game play, the music, the Quidditch game locations, and the graphics. Some people thought the game was a little too easy but given that it is aimed at children this makes sense.
LEGO Creator: Harry Potter

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts
Year Released: 2001
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game system:
There are actually two versions of this game. The first one released was LEGO Creator: Harry Potter, which focused on the storyline from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The second game was LEGO Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, based on the second book.
These games allow you to build various things from the stories, such as furniture and tracks for the Hogwarts Express. That description really simplifies this game but basically you build things using LEGO bricks.
LEGO usually does a great job with their games but it seems they missed the mark with this game. People wanted to like it but far more people hated it than loved it. It was buggy, some people couldn't get it to work at all, and others had trouble making the LEGO bricks fit together.
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4

Manufacturer: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Year Released: 2010
Player Mode: Single player, multiplayer
ESRB Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10 and up
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Mac iOS and OS X
Nintendo DS
Playstation 3
Playstation Portable (PSP)
Xbox 360
LEGO may have missed with mark with their Creator Harry Potter game but they hit a bullseye with this one. You can play as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and a lot of other characters. The further you go in the game the more characters you collect who you can then play as.
This game covers the first four books and includes subplots that the movies omitted. The game play is easy to grasp and there is a lot of humor infused in the game.
This happens to be a game that my children and I have and loved playing. It holds up well for repeat gameplay, something my younger daughter did often with her DS. I continued to play after I completed the formal game to finish collecting all the pieces that I couldn't get during the game and wasn't bored at all while doing this.
You can play with one or two players, but I found two players a bit confusing and preferred to play by myself. Playing with two players splits the screen and it can be hard to follow where you are vs. the other person you are playing with.
There is one glitch in the game but you can learn how to get around it by looking it up online.
There are a couple different versions of this game. The Shield Combo pack includes the game as well as a Blu-Ray version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The Holiday Edition for the DS includes a Harry Potter stylus and a Harry Potter LEGO mini figure. The Collector's Edition includes four magnets, Behind the Scenes of LEGO Harry Potter, Fun on the Set of Harry Potter, and Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Look at Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7

Manufacturer: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Year Released: 2011
Player Mode: Single player, multiplayer
ESRB Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10 and up
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game systems:
Mac iOS and OS X
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo DS
Playstation 3
Playstation Portable (PSP)
Playstation Vita
Xbox 360
This game picks up where the last one left off and covers the last three books in the Harry Potter series. There are 80 different players you can choose from (most are not available to you until later in the game play). We have this game, too, and love it as much as the first.
Both games also have the original music from the movies and the music really sets the tone for a lot of the locations you travel through. This game has more glitches than the first, but there are work arounds that you can look up online. Several of the Amazon reviews also offer solutions to the glitches.
Wonderbook: Book of Spells

Manufacturer: SCE London Studio
Year Released: 2013
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10 and up
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game system:
Playstation 3
This game was the first release by Wonderbook, was made exclusively for the Playstation 3. You will need the PlayStation Eye camera and PlayStation Move motion controller to play the game. This game includes a game disk and a real book that comes to life in the game as you read the book.
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling wrote content specifically for this game, which is the first time she contributed to a video game. If you have a Pottermore.com account then you have the option of connecting to your Pottermore account. Doing so will allow this game to reflect the choices you have made in Pottermore.
This game is all about casting spells with your wand. You learn the spells by reading the Book of Spells, written by Miranda Goshawk, a book that students of Hogwarts are familiar with.
The reviews for this game are very positive. People love the immersive nature of the game, the fun of casting spells, and the graphics. The main complaint was that the game is too short, which may have been because this is the first game of its kind.
Wonderbook: Book of Potions

Manufacturer: SCE London Studio
Year Released: 2013
Player Mode: Single player
ESRB Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10 and up
Gaming Platforms: This game can be played on the following game system:
Playstation 3
Just like the Book of Spells, this video game was created exclusively for the Playstation 3 and you need the PlayStation Eye camera and PlayStation Move motion controller to play the game. This game includes a book that you read, and the book's story comes to life in the game as you read it and play the game.
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling wrote content specifically for this game, which is the second time she contributed to a video game (the Spells game was the first). If you have a Pottermore.com account then you have the option of connecting to your Pottermore account so you can play this game using your Pottermore house and wand.
When you play this game you will read through the Book of Spells, written by Miranda Goshawk for witches and wizards (this is a name that readers of the Harry Potter books will recognize). You learn how to do a variety of spells that were in the books and movies in a virtual environment.
The reviews for this game are overwhelmingly positive. People love the fact that it is jam packed full of new content from Ms. Rowling and that you get to cast spells. People who wish they could attend Hogwarts in real life can get a taste of what it's like to be a student by playing this game.
You should check out the changeorg petition “Digitally Distribute the Harry Potter Games” if you want these games archived.