Hallmark has been releasing Harry Potter Keepsake ornaments since 2000, and I hope they don't stop any time soon. I have two (the Hogwarts castle from 2013 and Sorting Hat from 2014) and can attest to the beauty and quality of these ornaments.
I think it is interesting to see the progression of the ornaments. The early Harry Potter ornaments were made of pewter and were smaller than the more recent ones. In 2001 they started making them more realistic and got away from pewter, which is how they continue to be made, and many the more recent ornaments include lights and/or sound and/or movement.
I have listed every ornament Hallmark has produced from their Harry Potter line. The ornaments are first available to buy in July of each year and almost always sell out before Christmas of the year they are released, which means some ornaments, especially the older ones, can be very hard to find. I have included links to both Amazon and eBay to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.
A Dangerous Game

Year Released: 2017
Dimensions: 4" x 5.9" x 3.5"
Light: No
Sound: Yes
Power Source: Battery
Description: This ornament shows Ron Weasley showing Harry Potter how to get past the life-sized wizard's chess game that was one of the protective measures for the Sorcerer's Stone. When you press a button you will hear dialogue taken directly from the first film.
Gringotts Wizarding Bank

Year Released: 2017
Dimensions: 3.4" x 6.6" x 4.8"
Light: Yes
Sound: No
Description: This is more a piece of art than an ornament. It shows the Ukrainian Ironbelly dragon that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley helped escape from the depths of Gringotts Bank just before it took off from its place of imprisonment. When you connect it to a string light bulb the interior lights up, adding to the magical beauty.
Ollivanders Wand Shop

Year Released: 2016
Dimensions: 2.7" x 4.3" x 3.1"
Artist: Artist crafted
Light: Yes
Sound: No
Description: Not only is this a gorgeous replica of Ollivanders Wand Shop, found in Diagon Alley, but it lights up when you insert a light from your Christmas tree in the bottom. The building looks very dark until you add light, then it magically seems to come to life! You can see every detail that your remember from the first movie.
There is also a window with a magnifying glass on the back so you can get a closer look at the illuminated scene. You'll see Harry as he attempts to find the right wand, Mr. Ollivander, and shelf after shelf of wands.
Miniature Ornament Collection

Year Released: 2016
Hat: 1.31" x 1.25" x 1.28"
Hedwig: 2.60" x 1.04" x 0.74"
Snitch: 0.87" x 0.62" x 1.43"Artist: Artist crafted
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: Hallmark has kindly given us three different ornaments in this collection! They are small, but they are every bit as detailed as you would expect. You get Hedwig delivering a Hogwarts school letter, the Sorting Hat, and the Golden Snitch.
Platform 9 3/4

Year Released: 2015
Dimensions: 3.5" x 4.5" x 2"
Artist: Artist crafted
Light: No
Sound: Yes
Power Source: Battery
Description: This ornament shows Harry Potter as he ran through Platform 9 3/4 for the first time. Harry had no idea how to find Platform 9 3/4 and got no help from the Muggle train employee who thought Harry was nothing more than a joker. Fortunately for Harry, he overheard a family that seemed to be heading the same place as Harry. Kind Mrs. Weasley instructed Harry on how to approach the platform for the first time. The audio for this ornament is straight from the movie.
I contacted Hallmark and asked them who the artist was for this ornament. The response that I got was, "If an artist is not listed in the Dreambook, the ornament was created by a team of artists."
The Sorting Hat

Year Released: 2014
Dimensions: 3" x 4 5/8" x 2"
Light: No
Sound: Yes
Power Source: Battery
Description: This ornament shows Professor McGonagall as she places the Sorting Hat on top of Harry Potter's head for sorting. You can hear the Sorting Hat speak as he decides which house to place Harry into, as well as Harry whispering, "Not Slytherin! Not Slytherin!"
Hogwarts Castle

Year Released: 2013
Dimensions: 3.75" W x 3.5" H x 2.625" D
Artist: Orville Wilson
Light: Yes
Sound: Yes
Power Source: Battery
Description: This is a gorgeous reproduction of Hogwarts castle. It is a fairly large ornament that has a hole in the back so you can insert a miniature light bulb from your Christmas lights into it so it looks like there are lights on inside the castle. There is a button that plays "Hedwig's Theme" when pushed. There is also an ON/OFF switch.
The Final Battle

Year Released: 2012
Dimensions: 5.25" x 2.75" x 3"
Light: Yes
Sound: Yes
Power Source: Battery
Description: This scene depicts the final battle between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort. When you push the button you can hear the sounds of their duel, and green and red lights flash where their spells meet in between them. There is also an ON/OFF switch.
Fleeing the Fiendfyre

Year Released: 2011
Dimensions: 2¼" x 2¼" x 3½"
Artist: Nello Williams
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This scene shows Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger flying away from the cursed and out-of-control Fiendfyre that Vincent Crabbe started in the Room of Requirements.
The Golden Snitch

Year Released: 2011
Dimensions: 2¾" x 1 5/8" x 4 7/8"
Artist: Nello Williams
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This is a replica of the Golden Snitch, which Harry Potter was required to catch as the Seeker for Gryffindor's Quidditch team.
A Gift For Dobby

Year Released: 2010
Dimensions: 3 ½" H
Artist: Nello Williams
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This shows the moment when Dobby was freed from his enslavement to Lucius Malfoy. Dobby was freed because Harry Potter tricked Malfoy into giving a sock to Dobby, a moment that forever changed Dobby and made him forever loyal and devoted to Harry.
The Pensieve

Year Released: 2010
Dimensions: 3½" H
Artist: Nello Williams
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This scene shows Headmaster Dumbledore show Harry Potter how to use a Pensieve to see memories, memories Harry will need to see so he can defeat Lord Voldemort.
Harry! Happy Birthday!

Year Released: 2009
Dimensions: 3½" H
Artist: Nello Williams
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This shows the moment Harry Potter received his very first meaningful birthday present after years of horrid gifts from the Dursleys. Hagrid bought a snowy owl for Harry, an owl Harry named Hedwig and who was his constant companion during his years at Hogwarts and during summers at the Durlseys. It also shows the beginnings of a friendship between Harry and Hagrid, which was a friendship that lasted a lifetime.
The Gargoyle Guard

Year Released: 2008
Dimensions: 4¾" H
Artist: Nello Williams
Light: No
Sound: Yes
Power Source: Battery
Description: This shows Harry Potter standing in front of the gargoyle that guarded the way to Dumbledore's office. There is a lever that you slide, and when you do you will hear the voice of Professor McGonagall say the password that makes the gargoyle turn around and reveal the stairs.
Cauldron Trouble

Year Released: 2007
Dimensions: 3 ½" W
Artist: Lane Feuer
Light: Yes
Sound: No
Power Source: Battery
Description: This shows Harry Potter and Hermione Granger in Potions class. Hermione is excelling at her potion while Harry is struggling. Both cauldrons and the spell book light up.
Platform 9 3/4

Year Released: 2003
Dimensions: 3 ½" W
Artist: Robert Chad
Light: Yes
Sound: No
Description: This shows Harry Potter on Platform 9 3/4 waiting to board the Hogwarts Express. Harry has Hedwig and his school trunk with him and he is standing under a clock that shows the train is about to leave. There is a hole in the back so you can insert a miniature light bulb from your Christmas lights into it so the clock lights up.
The Invisibility Cloak

Year Released: 2002
Dimensions: 3 ½" H x 4 ¼" W
Artist: Robert Chad
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: One of Harry Potter's Christmas gifts during his first year at Hogwarts was an Invisibility Cloak. Harry, Ron, and Hermione put the Cloak to good use on many occasions and this ornament shows Harry as he is putting it on.
Quidditch Season

Year Released: 2002
Dimensions: 3½" H x 5" W
Artist: Nello Williams
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This shows Harry Potter and the Slytherin Seeker trying to get the Golden Snitch which is just out of reach of both their hands. They are flying under a banner that reads Quidditch.
Fluffy On Guard (Pewter)

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 4" L
Artist: Katrina Bricker
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This is a pewter ornament that shows Hagrid's three-headed dog Fluffy guarding the trap door, under which is hidden the Sorcerer's Stone.
Hagrid and Norbert the Dragon

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 3" H
Artist: Julie Forsyth
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This is a pewter ornament that depicts Hagrid holding the newly hatched dragon he named Norbert (Norbert was later renamed Norberta).
Harry Potter Chooses a Wand (Pewter)

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 3 1/4" H
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This pewter ornament shows the moment Harry Potter was chosen by his wand. A sort of ribbon of magical energy is coming out of the end of the wand.
Hermione Granger's Trunk (Pewter)

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: Trunk - 2" H, 5 mini pewter ornaments range in size from 3/4" to 2 1/2" H
Artist: Sharon Pike
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This is actually a total of six ornaments - Hermione Granger's trunk, book of spells, broom, hour glass, potion flask, and staff.
Hogwarts School Crests

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 1 1/2" H each
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This is a collection of five pewter ornaments, one for each of the four houses (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff) and the Hogwarts school crest.
Ron Weasley and Scabbers (Pewter)

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 3 3/4" H
Artist: Katrina Bricker
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This pewter ornament shows Ron Weasley carrying his pet rat Scabbers.
The Mirror of Erised

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 4" H
Artist: Nello Williams
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This scene shows Harry Potter looking into the Mirror of Erised and he sees his family looking back at him. The image in the mirror changes when viewed from different angles.
The Potions Master

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 3 ½" H
Artist: Tracy Larsen
Light: Yes
Sound: No
Description: This scene shows Professor Snape watching Harry Potter struggle with a potion. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger can be seen in the background watching Harry and Snape. There is a hole in the back where you can insert a miniature lightbulb from your Christmas string lights. The light illuminates the potion in Harry's cauldron.
Harry Potter Playing Quidditch (Pewter)

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 4" H
Artist: Katrina Bricker
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This pewter ornament shows Harry Potter in his Gryffindor Quidditch outfit, flying on his broom and trying to catch the Golden Snitch.
Hedwig the Owl (Pewter)

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 2" W
Artist: Katrina Bricker
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This pewter ornament shows Harry's owl Hedwig flying through the air while carrying a letter that says To Harry Potter.
Hermione Granger With Book and Bottle (Pewter)

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 3 1/4" H
Artist: Katrina Bricker
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This pewter ornament is of Hermione Granger holding a book in one arm and a red bottle in her other hand.
Hogwarts Charms (Pewter)

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 3/4″ H each
Artist: Katrina Bricker
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This is a collection of six pewter ornaments and a gold scroll that is rolled up. The charms include the Golden Snitch, Norbert hatching from a dragon’s egg, a winged key, the Sorting Hat, a book of magic, and a potion’s bottle.
Hogwarts Crest Banner

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 16″H x 11 1/2″ W
Artist: Unknown
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This banner is made of fabric and has six small metal rings along the bottom that you can use to hang six of your favorite Harry Potter ornaments.
Professor Dumbledore (Pewter)

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 3 1/2" H
Artist: Katrina Bricker
Light: No
Sound: No
Description: This is a pewter ornament of Hogwarts beloved Headmaster Albus Dumbledore holding rolled scrolls.
The Harry Potter collection of Hallmark Christmas ornaments are highly collectible and sell out quickly in most Hallmark stores every year. They can be hard to find in your local neighborhood but you can find them easily on both Amazon and eBay.