There are a surprising number of Harry Potter clothes and accessories for American Girl dolls! When I first started writing this post I knew there would be a robe, Hogwarts school uniform, and a wand, but I wasn't sure what else I would find.
The more I looked, the more I found! First I looked at clothes. Most clothes items are made for Gryffindor but there are also several items for the other three houses - Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. I also found matching scarves and hats for all three houses.
Next I looked for outfits specific to Harry Potter characters and was delighted by what I saw. I expected to see one or two character outfits, yet there were actually seven at the time that I wrote this. My favorite is Ron's Yule Ball gown.
Lastly, I searched for accessories. Holy cow! I thought there might be a wand and a cauldron (which there are) but there is so much more! You are sure to find exactly what you want, and then some, for your 18" American Girl dolls.
Gryffindor Clothing
School Uniform
A robe, shirt, skirt, and sweater are the most popular clothing for dolls. Some are sold as complete sets while others are just the robe. This means you can create your own Harry Potter American Girl doll.
Hat And Scarf
There are a few sellers who hand knit the Gryffindor scarf and hat. Perfect for dolls that are going out on cold winter days.
Some school uniforms include a sweater but not all. This is an example of a sweater that was hand knit using the colors of Gryffindor (red and grey).
Quidditch Robe
At least one seller on Etsy was selling a Gryffindor Quidditch robe when I wrote this post. You are likely to have the best luck finding this on Etsy but it might be out of stock so keep checking back until you see it.
Holiday Gown
I was delighted to see this beautiful ball gown that was inspired by the colors of Gryffindor house! There was only one available when I wrote this but hopefully there will be some listed when you look.
Hufflepuff Clothing
School Uniform
I could only find one Hufflepuff school item - the robe seen here from Etsy - but it's perfect for dolls that have been sorted into this house!
Hat And Scarf
Don't forget to add a hat and scarf to your Hufflepuff doll!
The sweater seen below is for Gryffindor but the seller also has one for Hufflepuff but there's no picture for it.
Quidditch Robe
There weren't any American Girl Quidditch robes when I wrote this, which is why there isn't a picture, but I'm hopeful that one of the sites listed below will eventually have one.
Holiday Gown
I don't know if there will be a Hufflepuff holiday gown, but since there was one for Gryffindor I am including it.
Ravenclaw Clothing
School Uniform
There are several Ravenclaw uniforms to choose from that will fit American Girl dolls. Some are just for the robe while others also include a shirt, skirt, and tie, possibly even a wand.
Hat And Scarf
There are matching Ravenclaw hat and scarf sets, which goes perfectly with school robes.
The sweater seen below is for Gryffindor but the Etsy seller also has one for Ravenclaw and since there's no picture of it I'm showing you this one.
Quidditch Robe
There wasn't a Ravenclaw Quidditch robe when I wrote this but there might be in the future, since there was for Gryffindor.
Holiday Gown
I hope that there will be a Ravenclaw holiday gown in the future even though there isn't one now. The one for Gryffindor is beautiful and I know that one made of blue and grey would be, too.
Slytherin Clothing
School Uniform
Slytherin dolls will love being dressed up in this house robe.
Hat And Scarf
You can complete your doll's appearance by adding a Slytherin hat and scarf. These are hand knit and come in sets so the green and gray matches.
There is at least one sweater made with Slytherin's house colors on Etsy but the seller doesn't have a picture of it which is why the one seen here is for Gryffindor.
Quidditch Robe
I don't know if there was a Slytherin Quidditch robe for American Girl dolls because there wasn't one the day I wrote this, but since there was one for Gryffindor then it is possible that there might eventually be one for Slytherin.
Holiday Gown
There wasn't a holiday gown on the day that I wrote this but I hope there will be someday because the one for Gryffindor is gorgeous!
Character Clothing
Bellatrix Lestrange Dress
This black dress looks just like Bellatrix's dress in the movies, right down to the off-the-shoulder sleeves. You can even get matching boots if you want. Who knew American Girl dolls could be goth! You are most likely to find this on Etsy.
Fleur Delacour Dress
Fleur Delacour's wedding dress was beautiful and a seller on Etsy has one that you can buy for your doll. It is white with black lace and lots of ruffles. I also saw the blue hat that Fleur wore when she and her fellow Beauxbaton students arrived at Hogwarts for the TriWizard Tournament.
Ginny Weasley Dress
Ginny Weasley went to the Yule Ball with Neville Longbottom and wore this dress, found on Etsy. It wasn't fashionable since her family was poor and couldn't afford better, but it certainly looks nicer than the robes Ron had to wear!
Hermione Granger Dresses
There are three different dresses on Etsy that you can get for your doll that are based on Hermione Granger. The first one, seen here, is the gown she wore to the Yule Ball (it is also available in Slytherin green!). Etsy also has the red dress she wore to the wedding of Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley, as well as the pink dress she wore to the Slug Club party. I also saw her magical handbag, the one that she used in the final two movies that held far more than a Muggle purse can carry.
Luna Lovegood Outfits
There are a couple different outfits inspired by Luna Lovegood that your American Girl dolls can wear. The one you see here is Luna's Quibbler clothes and includes her father's magazine, her glasses, and a handbag. When I wrote this there was also a recreation of the silver dress Luna wore when she went with Harry Potter to the Slug Club Christmas party. I also saw a butterbeer cork necklace and radish earrings. Each of these items is sold on Etsy, though it is possible that there might be something related to Luna on the other sites.
Nymphadora Tonks Coat
Tonks had a wonderful sense of fashion, as you can see from this coat, sold by a seller on Etsy. It is red, full length, and has bronze colored studs.
Ron Weasley Outfit
I didn't expect to find Ron Weasley's Yule Ball robe on Etsy and I'm delighted that I did. This is easily my favorite outfit! It's every bit as wonderfully awful as the one Ron had to wear, and it can be worn by both girl and boy dolls. The robe has a floral print with laces and ribbons.
Every witch and wizard attending Hogwarts needs a cauldron so make sure your doll has one, too.
Custom Collections
There is a seller on eBay who creates custom collections of various Harry Potter things that are just the right size for dolls. Each collection is a little different but they contain all kinds of things that Harry Potter loving dolls will want to have.
Daily Prophet And Quibbler
Does your doll love to read? Then she will love reading either The Daily Prophet or The Quibbler, courtesy of an eBay seller.
Diagon Alley Collection
A seller on Etsy has created a collection of items you'd find in Diagon Alley. It has an issue of The Daily Prophet, room service menu for The Leaky Cauldron, a ticket to ride the knight bus, and a few other fun things.
There are a couple of listings on Etsy for magical foods that you'd find in Harry's world. The one you see here includes two chocolate frogs, a pumpkin pasty, biscuits and cookies, and a cauldron cake.
Even if your doll is a girl she will look great in Harry Potter's round glasses!
Golden Snitch
If your doll is a Seeker on her house's Quidditch team then help her practice with this Golden Snitch, which I found on eBay.
Gringotts Coins
Thanks to an eBay seller your American Girl doll can make a withdraw from her Gringotts Bank vault, then go to Honeydukes and buy a lollipop (included with the collection). You also get a box for your coins and candy.
Magical Items
Show your doll you love her with this magical care package. Sold on Etsy, it includes the Marauders Map, Quibbler, and a chocolate frog. It comes in an owl post package with an adorable owl.
O.W.L. Exams
Let your doll show off her intelligence by giving her an O.W.L. exam. Thanks to an Etsy seller you can choose from five different exams: Arithmancy, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Each exam has 10 questions related to that exam's topic.
Papercraft Collections
A seller on eBay has put together several different papercraft collections. Each collection focuses on a person or an aspect of Harry's magical world. For example the set seen here focuses on Ginny Weasley. The items include things that have to do with Ginny, such as issues of Seeker Weekly with stories about Ginny, a picture and list of Dumbledore's Army, and Ginny's O.W.L. exam results.
There are several patterns that you can use to make witch or wizard clothes for your doll if you are someone who knows your way around a sewing machine or can knit.
Every self-respecting witch needs a collection of potions. I found the collection you see here on eBay, which includes Amortensia, Elixir of Life, Felix Felicis, Mermaid Tears, Phoenix Tears, Polyjuice potion, and Veritaserum.
School Supplies
Every student at Hogwarts needs a variety of school supplies. Thanks to a seller on Etsy, your American Girl doll can have similar supplies, including a couple of textbooks, potions, a cauldron, and a feather quill.
The students at Hogwarts needed a lot of different books for their magical classes. You can buy smaller sizes of most of them, perfect for little doll hands to open and read. My favorite book is seen here, the Monster Book Of Monsters, but there are plenty of others you can choose from on Etsy. and you can even get a collection that includes most titles.
Pack up your doll's school supplies and clothes inside this Hogwarts trunk. It is sold on Etsy, is made of wood, and really opens. It also has handles on either side so your doll can carry or pull it. You can even get your initials added to it.
Every witch or wizard needs a wand before starting classes at Hogwarts. At least one seller on Etsy sells wands for dolls and you can even get a Hogwarts letter along with your wand.
My name is Brianna. I was born in 1986. I have collected American Girl dolls nearly my Entire Life. Thank-you for the Very Helpful information!!