Sweets are often seen in Harry Potter's world. From the moment he was introduced to the wizarding world that he belonged to Harry eagerly tried any sweet that he came across. Those of us in the Muggle world can enjoy our versions of wizarding treats and one easy way to do that is with Harry Potter cookie cutters.
There are several different cookie cutters, which means you can make a variety of different kinds of cookie shapes. The two places where I've found the best selections of wizard themed cookie cutters are Amazon and Etsy.
Spoiler Alert: There may be story spoilers in the descriptions below. Proceed with caution if you haven't finished the series.
Gryffindor Lion

Gryffindor House is represented by a lion. The lion is symbolic for bravery because the students of Gryffindor House are seen as courageous, a trait desired by members of this house.
Lion cookies are perfect for those of you who wish you could be sorted into this house, or for people who want to make cookies that represent all four Hogwarts houses.
Hufflepuff Badger

Hufflepuff House is represented by a badger. The badger is symbolic for hard work, which is one of the traits valued by members of Hufflepuff.
Badger cookies are perfect for people who love the under appreciated students of Hufflepuff, or for those who want to make cookies for all four houses.
Ravenclaw Raven

Ravenclaw House is represented by a raven. The raven is symbolic for intelligence because the students of Ravenclaw are known for their wisdom, a trait that is valued by members of this house.
Raven cookies are perfect for those of you who wish you could be sorted into this house, or for people who want to make cookies that represent all four Hogwarts houses.
Slytherin Serpent

Slytherin House is represented by a serpent, or snake. The serpent is symbolic for cunning because the students of Slytherin are known for using any means possible to get what they want, a trait that is valued by members of this house.
Serpent cookies are perfect for those of you who wish you could be sorted into this house, or for people who want to make cookies that represent all four Hogwarts houses.

Harry Potter started with an unknown book called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Eventually there were a total of seven books in the series. That fact alone makes a book cookie cutter exciting.
However, books were also an important part of the stories. There are class books, such as Magical Creatures and Were to Find Them and Hogwarts: A History. There are library books (which were often seen in the arms of Hermione Granger), such as Magick Moste Evile. And there are books that were read for enjoyment, such as The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
Given the sheer volume of books found inside the seven books of Harry Potter it would totally make sense to make book shaped cookies. Feel free to use frosting to add magical titles to your book cookies.

It's hard to imagine the game of Quidditch without brooms. In fact, the game couldn't exist without them because they are the one tool that every member of a team has to have. Brooms enable the players to fly around the Quidditch pitch.
There are many different types of brooms mentioned in the stories. There are Cleansweeps, Comets, Firebolts, and even the coveted Nimbus models. You can write the name of each type of broom on the handles of your cookies.

Each student entering Hogwarts is required to buy a cauldron. For those who don't know, cauldrons are very similar to buckets or kettles and Hogwarts students use them to when making potions.
Cauldrons are made from various metals, such as brass or pewter. On their own cauldrons would be too heavy for most students to carry but magical cauldrons have spells put on them to make them lightweight.
Those of you who have read the Harry Potter books will know just how important cauldrons were to Percy Weasley!
Dark Mark

The Dark Mark was a symbol shared by Death Eaters. Each Death Eater had a Dark Mark tattoo on his or her arm that Lord Voldemort used to call them to him.
Additionally, the symbol of the Dark Mark was seen in the sky over the homes where Death Eaters had killed people inside the homes.
I was surprised to see a cookie cutter in the shape of a cookie cutter, which incorporates a snake with a skull. The cutter looks a bit odd but there are pictures of the cookies that were made with it and they do indeed look like Voldemort's symbol when frosting was added.
Deathly Hallows

The Deathly Hallows were the name for three seemingly mythical items in the wizarding world. They were the Elder Wand, the Invisibility Cloak, and the Resurrection Stone.
Not many wizards believed in the existence of the Hallows but those who did used a symbol to seek out other believers. The symbol combined all three items into a single design.
With this cookie cutter you can make cookies that show the world that you, too, believe they really do exist.
Flying Witch

We Muggles have traditionally thought of witches as cackling old hags who wear pointy hats and fly around on broomsticks. The world of Harry Potter has shown us that it doesn’t have to be that way.
Interestingly, the stories show just as many wizards flying around on brooms as witches. It’s okay that this cookie cutter depicts a witch on a broom instead of a wizard because I’m fairly certain that it would be harder to know what you were looking at if it was a wizard instead.
Harry Potter

No self respecting Harry Potter fan's kitchen would be complete without a Harry Potter cookie cutter! I think this might be my favorite of all the designs seen here.
This is a simple design but just about everyone will know at a glance that it is the face of Harry. Why? Because it is a round shape with a lightning bolt on the forehead and round glasses on the face. It's simple, yet perfect!
Lightning Bolt

The lightning bolt has become synonymous with Harry Potter because he had a scar in this shape on his forehead. The scar was given to him by Voldemort when Voldemort tried to kill Harry as a baby.
We readers eventually learned that this scar was the secret to defeating Voldemort after he rose to power again. We saw Harry's acceptance of his situation as he learned that his scar was also a Horcrux and that it needed to be destroyed before Voldemort could be defeated for good.
Misc. Sets

Wilton made a collection of official Harry Potter cookie cutters back in 2001. They can be difficult to find but Amazon often has them listed. Their set includes four different cutters - a golden snitch, flying key, potion's bottle, and a star.
Etsy also has a set of various cookie cutters. The collection found on Etsy includes seven designs - a badger, a lion, a raven, a serpent, the Dark Mark, the Deathly Hallows, and the Sorting Hat. It's a little pricey but the cutters are made of copper and are quite wonderful.

The very first birthday gift that Harry was given after he found out that he was a wizard was a snowy owl, given to him by his new friend, Rubeus Hagrid. Harry named his owl Hedwig and she was his constant companion throughout his time at Hogwarts.
Hedwig was just one of many owls in the Harry Potter series. Owls were used as a magical postal system and were seen every morning at school delivering letters and packages to students.
Platform 9 3/4

Every boy and girl who goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry knows where to find Platform 9 3/4. It is hidden in plain sight right between platforms 8 and 10 in King's Cross railroad station.
The entrance is not visible to the naked eye but the opening is there nonetheless (unless, of course, a certain house elf decides to close it). The next time you find yourself at King's Cross you might casually attempt to penetrate the seemingly solid barrier between 8 and 10...
The Sorting Hat

Every person who ever attended Hogwarts knows that the Sorting Hat is. This tattered hat was magically given the ability to look into the minds of each student and to sort the students into the house that best fit their personalities.
Dumbledore once commented that he thought students were sorted too soon. What he meant was that the hat was not perfect, that often students possessed traits that would make them better suited for houses other than the ones they were sorted into.
An Eagle is the symbol of Ravenclaw house. I get that it’s confusing. But Gryffindor has a lion and not a Griffin. And even some official merchandise is wrongly made with a raven, but some get it right with the Eagle. The books are clear it’s an Eagle.