In 2000 the Kurt Adler, a famous holiday decorations company, sold Harry Potter ornaments and continued to sell them for just a few short years. The Kurt Adler Harry Potter ornaments came in a variety of materials, including Polonaise glass, resin, tin, and plastic. The Polonaise glass pieces were all hand-blown and hand-painted in a factory in Poland. All the ornaments were officially licensed by the Warner Bros. company.
Ornaments are not the only items you will find here that were made by Kurt Adler. You will also find string lights and Christmas stockings.
I was unable to find pictures for every item listed here. If you have a picture of any of the missing items that I can use please contact me. When I use your picture I will give you credit as the source of the photo, which I have already done for the photos that others have kindly let me use. I have included my contact information for every item that is missing a picture. Unless otherwise stated, all images are from Amazon.
These products sold out long ago but, fortunately, many can still be found on Amazon and Ebay. The ornaments are fun and beautiful recreations of scenes from the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Although I have provided links to both these sources I cannot guarantee that either online retailer will have what you are looking for. Check back often because you never know when an item will be listed for sale.
Fabriche Tablepieces
Harry Potter Holding Packages

Year Released: Unknown, possibly 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: Approximately 7" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a gorgeous piece that you can place on a table, fireplace mantle, or any other surface. Harry is dressed in a red robe, white pajamas, and red slippers. He is holding the green sweater Mrs. Weasley made him, the Invisibility Cloak, and several unopened packages.
Ron Weasley Holding Packages

Year Released: Unknown, possibly 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: Approximately 7" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a gorgeous piece that you can place on a table, fireplace mantle, or any other surface. Ron is dressed in his school robe, jeans, and white sneakers. He is holding a brown sweater (perhaps made by his mum?) and several unopened packages.
Hermione Granger Holding Books
I have been unable to find an image of this item. Do you own this and have a photo I can use? If so, please send me an email. For now I am using the backside of the package Harry came in from a picture I have that shows what Hermione looks like.

Year Released: Unknown, possibly 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: Approximately 7" H
Description: This is a gorgeous piece that you can place on a table, fireplace mantle, or any other surface. Hermione is dressed in her school robe and is holding a stack of books.
Update: David T. contacted me and said that he has spoken with many collectors over the years and that no one has ever seen the Hermione Fabriche, and that he has been looking for 20 years. It sounds like it's possible that it was never released, or that very few were sold.
Hagrid with Christmas Lights

Year Released: Unknown
Dimensions: Approximately 8" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a wonderful piece that shows Hagrid kneeling on the ground. He is wearing a brown coat, dark green pants, and brown boots, and he is holding a garland that has Christmas lights on it.
Glass Ball Ornaments
Harry Potter and the Flying Keys

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 3 1/2" W
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a frosted glass ornament that has "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" on one side and a printed picture of Harry, Ron, and Hermione flying on brooms while trying to catch the right flying key.
Harry Potter Playing Quidditch

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 3 1/2" W
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a frosted glass ornament that has "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" on one side and a printed picture of Harry flying on his broom playing Quidditch on the other.
Misc. Ornaments
Chocolate Frog Card (Photo Frame Ornament)

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 3 3/4" H x 3" W
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a resin photo frame ornament that will turn any picture into a Chocolate Frog Card! The top of the frame says, "FAMOUS WITCHES AND WIZARDS."
Lightning Bolt (Plastic)

Year Released: 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: 6" L
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: These plastic ornaments came three to a pack.
Paper Mâché Set Of 12 Ball Ornaments

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: Unknown
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: There are a total of 12 ornaments inside this box, two sets of six designs. The six images are: 1) Harry Potter holding his wand, 2) Harry Potter flying on a broom and reaching for the Golden Snitch, 3) Ron Weasley wearing the Sorting Hat, 4) Hermione Granger riding a broom, 5) Hagrid giving Hedwig to Harry as a birthday gift, and 6) Ron, Hermione, and Harry watching Hagrid reaching out to the newly hatched Norbert the dragon (aka Norberta).
Here are a few more pictures of this set.

Thank you to David T. for sending these pictures to me.
Polonaise Glass Ornaments
Boxed Set of 2 Ornaments (Harry and Golden Snitch)

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 9 1/2" L for Harry but the dimensions for the Golden Snitch is unknown
Description: This boxed set contains two ornaments: Harry Potter flying on his broom and the Golden Snitch. The Harry ornament is the same one that was sold individually the year before (the one seen above) but the only way to get the Golden Snitch ornament was to buy both in this boxed set. I believe this was a limited edition set, and if they are then the edition numbers are hand-painted on the bottom of each ornament.
Here are a few more pictures of this set.

Thank you to David T. and Kathryne L. for sending these pictures to me.
Boxed Set of 4 Ornaments (Harry, Hermione, Ron, and HP Logo)

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 6 1/2" H for each of the three characters and 3 1/2" H x 4" W for the Golden Snitch
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This boxed set contains a total of four ornaments: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and a gold Harry Potter logo with a Golden Snitch on it. All four ornaments from this limited edition set were mouth-blown and hand-painted. There were a total of 25,000 of these boxed sets and there is a hand painted edition number on the bottom of each ornament.
The three characters were all sold separately. It was the gold Harry Potter logo ornament that made this boxed set highly collectible because it was the only way to get the gold ornament. The box itself is a beautiful keepsake.
Harry Potter and Hedwig

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 6 1/2" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is the same Harry Potter ornament found in the boxed set above. Harry is seen with his owl Hedwig and he is holding a book.
Harry Potter in Potions Class

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 6 1/4" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This hand-blown and hand-painted ornament shows Harry in front of a bubbling cauldron as he reads from his potions book and pours something into the cauldron.
Harry Potter Holding the Sorcerer's Stone

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 5" H x 5 1/2" W
Photo Source: Image used with permission by rosebailey3
Description: This hand-blown and hand-painted Christmas ornament shows Harry with Hedwig and he is holding the Sorcerer's Stone above a banner that reads, "Harry Potter."
Harry Potter Playing Quidditch

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 9 1/2" L
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This hand-blown and hand-painted Christmas ornament shows Harry flying on his broom just as he catches the Golden Snitch during a Quidditch match.
Hermione Granger

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 6 1/2" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is the same Hermione Granger ornament found in the boxed set above. Hermione is seen holding several books, which makes sense since we all know that reading was one of her favorite pasttimes.
Ron Weasley and Scabbers

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 6 1/2" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is the same Ron Weasley ornament found in the boxed set above. Ron is seen with his pet rat Scabbers.
Resin Ornaments
Albus Dumbledore

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: Unknown
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This resin ornament is of Headmaster Dumbledore. He is wearing purple robes with a green rope belt, and he's holding a book with a brown cover.
Thank you to David T. for sending this picture to me.
Baby Norbert

Year Released: 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: 3 1/2" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This resin ornament shows baby Norbert as he is hatching from his egg.
Flying Key

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: Approximately 3 1/2" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a resin ornament of the flying key Harry caught while trying to save the Sorcerer's Stone from Professor Snape.
Hagrid and Norbert

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 5" H x 4 1/4" W
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This resin ornament shows Hagrid holding the newly hatched baby dragon he named Norbert. Hagrid is standing on a banner that says, "Rubeus Hagrid."
Harry Potter and Hedwig

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 5" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a resin ornament of Harry holding his wand and Hedwig resting on his arm. You can't see it from this picture but Harry is standing on a banner that says, "Harry Potter," and has a Golden Snitch on it. You can see what I mean by looking at the Ron Weasley ornament below.
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley Around a Cauldron

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 3.5" x 4"
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a resin ornament of Harry, Hermione, and Ron working around a cauldron, presumably in potions class. Hermione, of course, is looking at her textbooks, as is Harry, while Ron pours something into the cauldron.
Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger Set

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: Unknown
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a set of three resin ornament of Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and Ron Weasley. The ornaments in this set were also sold separately but this was a nice way to get them all at once.
Thank you to David T. for sending this picture to me.
Harry Potter Playing Quidditch

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 5"
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a resin version of the glass ornament with the same name above. It shows Harry riding on his Nimbus 2000 broom catching the Golden Snitch.
Harry Potter With Chocolate Frogs

Year Released: 2001
Dimensions: 3 1/2" H x 2 1/4"W
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This resin holiday ornament is of Harry holding the Christmas gift he got from Hermione - a large box of Chocolate Frogs.
Harry Potter With Potion Bottles

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 5" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a resin ornament of Harry holding a potions bottle in each hand.

Year Released: 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: 2 1/2" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This resin ornament is of Harry's snowy owl Hedwig. Hedwig is standing on a scroll that says, "Hedwig."
Hermione Granger Flying on a Broom

Year Released: 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: Unknown
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This resin ornament is of Hermione Granger flying on a broom. I'm assuming that this was based on either flying class or when the trio had to fly on brooms to catch the winged key when they were trying to save the sorcerer's stone from Severus Snape (who they mistakenly thought wanted to steal it).
Thank you to David T. for sending this picture to me.
Hermione Granger With Candle and Potion Bottle

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: Unknown
Photo Source: Image used with permission by tomesifter
Description: This is a resin ornament of Hermione holding her wand in one hand and a potions bottle in the other.
Hermione Granger With Wand

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 5" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a resin ornament of Hermione holding her wand. You can't see it from this picture but Hermione is standing on a banner that says, "Hermione Granger," and has potion bottles on it. You can see what I mean by looking at the Ron Weasley ornament below.
Hogwarts Express and Platform 9 3/4

Thank you to David T. for sending this picture to me.
Mirror of Erised
I have been unable to find an image of this item. Do you own this and have a photo I can use? If so, please send me an email.
Year Released: 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: Approximately 3 1/2" H
Description: This is a resin ornament of the Mirror of Erised. The glass of the mirror is has stars on it.
Nimbus Two Thousand
I have been unable to find an image of this item. Do you own this and have a photo I can use? If so, please send me an email.
Year Released: 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: Approximately 5" L
Description: This is a resin version of Harry's broom the Nimbus Two Thousand. The broom hangs in such a way that it is horizontal as though ready for Harry to ride on it. The handle has "Nimbus Two Thousand" on it, and there is what I believe to be the Golden Snitch hanging from the end of the handle.
Ron Weasley and a Cauldron

Year Released: 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: Unknown
Description: This is a resin ornament of Ron Weasley as he attempts to make a potion. Clearly he is not succeeding because quite a bit of purple smoke is coming out of the cauldron he's working with.
Thank you to David T. for sending this picture to me.
Ron Weasley Wearing The Sorting Hat

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 4" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This resin ornament shows Ron with the Sorting Hat on his head, waiting to find out what house he is going to be sorted into.
Ron Weasley With Wand

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 5" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a resin ornament of Ron holding his wand. Ron is standing on a banner that says, "Ron Weasley," and has his pet rat Scabbers on it.
The Sorting Hat

Year Released: 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: 2 3/4" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a resin version of the Sorting Hat.
Stockings And Stocking Holder
Harry Potter With Hedwig

Year Released: Unknown, possibly 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: Unknown
Photo Source: Image used with permission by darkestknight2011
Description: This Christmas stocking has Harry holding wand and has his owl Hedwig resting on his arm. I am not positive but I think it is made of velvet, and is decorated with gold stars.
Harry Potter With Stars and Wand

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 18" H x 11" W
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This stocking is made of red velvet with a white fluffy collar at the top. Harry is dressed in his school robe and holding his wand, and is adorned with gold studded stars.
Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, And Hermione Granger Stocking Holder

Year Released: 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: 5" x 5" x 3"
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a stocking holder that has the trio. Ron Weasley is holding his wand, Harry Potter is holding the sorcerer's stone in his right hand and has Hedwig resting on his left arm, and Hermione Granger is holding her wand. There are glittery gold stars surrounding them, just above the red base. This would be perfect with a Harry Potter stocking! This is an incredibly rare item so good luck finding it if you are looking for it.
String Lights
Harry Potter Flying as a Quidditch Seeker

Year Released: Unsure, possibly 2000 or 2001
Dimensions: 10 lights spaced 16" apart on a 192" light strand
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a set of 10 string lights and at the end of each light is Harry Potter flying on his broom. Harry is holding the Golden Snitch in his hand and has just won the Quidditch match in favor of Gryffindor!
Harry Potter Round

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: 10 lights spaced 16" apart on a 192" light strand
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: These round ornaments are on string lights. The ornaments have Harry Potter on them holding his wand and above him it says, "Harry Potter." I believe the ornaments are made of plastic and they can be used indoor or outdoor.
Tin Ornaments
Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: Approximately 4" W x 3 1/2" H
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This tin ornament is of a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. There are stars and other decorations hanging from the ties and there are gold bells on the bottom. There is a picture of the beans on the bag.
Flying Keys

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: Unknown
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a pretty and ornate metal key with blue wings and has small flying wings around it.
Nimbus Two Thousand

Year Released: 2000
Dimensions: Unknown
Photo Source: Image used with permission
Description: This is a tin version of Harry's Quidditch broom the Nimbus 2000. It has signs above and below the broom that reads, "Nimbus Two Thousand," and has colorful decorations around it.
I was surprised by the number of Harry Potter ornaments that Kurt Adler made in the early 2000s and am sad that they stopped. I hope this has been helpful to you in finding the Kurt Adler Christmas ornament that you are seeking.