If you want to buy Bellatrix Lestrange's wand then I am happy to tell you that there are multiple versions available. You will find the wand that Bellatrix used in the movies, an interactive version, and even the second wand that Bellatrix used during the final battle at Hogwarts. Browse through the various wands below until the right wand chooses you!

Wand Wood
Bellatrix's wand was made from the wood of a walnut tree. Walnut wood is extremely versatile and adapts easily to the magic of those who wield them. Walnut wands are known to almost always choose witches and wizards who are highly intelligent. I suppose this means that Bellatrix was an intelligent woman, even if we don't really see any evidence of this.
According to an old European superstition, the ground around a walnut tree is evil or poisoned, so nothing should be grown around the tree. I think this is certainly fitting of Bellatrix, and it is a very good thing that nothing grew from her (meaning, she didn't have any children).
Walnut wood was an interesting choice to be paired with Bellatrix because wandlore says that after a walnut wand is mastered, it will do the bidding of its master, no matter what the spell is, as long as the witch or wizard is high intelligence. The reason this is interesting is because this means that the wand and witch or wizard will feed off of one another in a way that it unhealthy, and I have no reason to doubt that this happened with Bellatrix and her wand.
Wand Core
The core of Bellatrix's wand is dragon heartstring. This is fitting because wandlore says that wands with dragon heartstring cores are the wands that are most likely to turn to the Dark Arts, and we all know that Bellatrix was all about the Dark Arts!
Dragon heartstring wands are known to be capable of the most powerful and flamboyant spells. They are also known to be extremely temperamental. Sounds like a certain deranged witch to me...
Wand Length
12 3/4 inches
Wand Design
Bellatrix's wand is the only wand that I know of that isn't straight. Instead, it is hooked in such a way that it resembles a bird's talon. This doesn't surprise me because in the films Bellatrix wore a necklace made from a bird's skull, so it seems that Bellatrix had an affinity for birds. Or, perhaps she just liked bird parts.
The wand has a series of etchings along the handle and shaft, but the meaning of the etchings is currently unknown. Perhaps in time author J.K. Rowling will share with us the translation of the etchings.
Actress Helena Bonham-Carter, who played Bellatrix in the movies, had a mishap with her wand. The event occurred while filming a battle in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Bellatrix was holding Neville with her wand to his head and he moved at the wrong time and in the wrong way. Helena's wand accidentally punctured the eardrum of actor Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom), but, fortunately, the damage was not permanent [1]. Helena unintentionally proved what you've always heard, that you should never put anything larger than your elbow in your ear!
Bellatrix actually had two wands. The first is the one that looks like a bird's talon and is the wand that chose her when she went to Ollivanders Wand Shop as a child. She used that wand for almost her entire life, until Ron Weasley disarmed her and took the wand. Hermione attempted to use it but she hated the way it felt, suggesting that the wand was as insane as Bellatrix.
Bellatrix acquired a second wand that looked rather boring when compared to her original wand (you can see it below at the Noble Collection wand), but it seemed to work just fine for her. Nothing is known about the second wand's wood or core.
Ollivanders Wand
If you want Bellatrix Lestrange's iconic hooked wand then Ollivanders Wand Shop is the place to go! But if you were born a Muggle then you need to visit Orlando, Florida's Universal Studios where Ollivanders has set up shop for Muggles.
The wand you see below is the wand sold at Universal Studio's Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It comes in one of Mr. Ollivander's boxes that is lined with a soft material to keep your wand safe for years to come.

Interactive Ollivanders Wand
Mr. Ollivander also sells interactive wands. These look just like Ollivander wands, but unlike traditional Ollivander wands, interactive ones can be used to cast magical spells at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios. There is an interactive version of Bellatrix Lestrange's wand that looks identical to the one seen above, except at the tip. You will also get a map that shows you all of the places where you can use your wand to cast a spell.
I wrote about interactive Harry Potter wands if you are unfamiliar with them. You can read about them here.

Here is a video that I took of my daughter as she used her interactive wand to cast a spell. FYI - This is one of the hidden spell locations...
Some browsers prevent videos from playing so if you are unable to watch the video then I recommend that you try again using a different browser (i.e. Google Chrome or Opera)
Noble Collection Wand (Bellatrix's Second Wand)
The Noble Collection version of Bellatrix's wand looks very different from the Ollivanders wand, and there is a good reason for this. The Noble Collection wand is a replica of the second wand used by Bellatrix. This is the wand she used after Ron Weasley disarmed and took her wand during the fight at Malfoy Manor in the final film.
The Noble Collection wand comes in a box that has the character's name on it, and it also includes a removable name tag. Noble Collection boxes are lined with a soft material to help protect your wand.
I read that Helena Bonham-Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange) chose this wand because she liked the look of old wood. However, I have been unable to find the interview where she said this to verify the accuracy of this statement.

Wand With Wall Display And Mini Mask
Noble Collection also sells Bellatrix's wand with a wall display and a miniature version of Bellatrix's mask. This is a beautiful replica of both items and is perfect for fans of Bellatrix.

Custom Wands
Several Etsy sellers made their own custom versions of Bellatrix's wand, like the one seen below. These are great options if you want your wand to look a little different than everyone else's.

[1] http://www.ew.com/article/2007/07/13/bonham-carter-i-think-i-took-my-sadism-bit-too-literally