Photo credit: Dementor by LenoreScarecrow
Troubling Morning Students and Faculty:
It has long been in agreement with Dementors that they will not enter or do harm to students or faculty at the school or near by locations. All of this was in place until the Battle of Hogwarts. As you all know during the battle they chose to put their allegiance with Lord Voldemort at that time. Since then a truce has been in place with the Dementors honoring this. As of last night this truce is in jeopardy. A student who was off the school grounds close by has been attacked. Thankfully Hagrid who was coming back from Hogsmeade fought off the Dementor and saved the student's life. The name of the student will not be released until the parents can be notified. As of today no students will be allowed off school grounds until future notice. Students of all ages will be taught and allowed to use the The Patronus Charm. Classes will be modified to make this so. If anyone sees a Dementor do not engage the creature. The results could be deadly. Keep a sharp eye open.
Headmaster Dumbledore