Photo credit: Scholastic Muggle Wall at the 2017 Celebration of Harry Potter by ForTheLoveofHarry.com
A Hardy GOOD MORNING Students and Faculty:
A bit of interesting information has come my way and I feel compelled to share it with you. It seems for 3 days muggles, witches, and wizard are celebrating and having events in a place called Orlando, Florida, across the pond. Something called "A Celebration of Harry Potter" at Universal Studios, I believe? How fascinating this is. As we all know, Harry "The Boy Who Lived", survived an attack from Lord Voldemort and has an amazing life story. I wonder if Harry knows about this? Seems I must send him an owl and collect his thoughts on the matter. Very, very fascinating!! I must confess, I am tempted to use a Portkey to visit and witness this event. Very interesting, very! Know that I may not be in my office for a few days. If information or help is needed, please see Professor McGonagall in my absence.
Remember, "For in dreams we enter a world that is entirely our own".
Warmest regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore