Fred and George Weasley were born on April 1, commonly known as April Fool’s Day, so it should come as no surprise that the twins loved a good joke. They rarely took life seriously but they usually knew how far they could go before getting into serious trouble, since minor trouble wasn’t a concern to them.
They were both gifted wizards who, despite their seeming disinterest in getting an education, were able to perform powerful magic. Their parents feared that they wouldn’t amount to much outside of Hogwarts because of their relaxed attitude towards school but the twin proved them, and everyone else who doubted them, wrong.
Even Hermione Granger grudgingly admitted this fact after she examined one of the headless hats they created and sold in their highly successful store, Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.
You don’t have to be a twin to recreate their looks, although it will help. “Obviously,” said Severus Snape… From their hair, wands, and school robes to their business attire and sweets, here is everything you need to dress up in Fred and George Weasley costumes!
Mandatory Accessories |
Fred and George are Weasleys, which means they have ginger red hair. Their hair changed from short to long and back to short, so it’s up to you what length you want your wig to be.
Fred and George Weasleys Hair
Although Fred and George are twins, their wands are not. As you can see from the picture below their wands differ in appearance. The handle of Fred’s wand looks a bit like a pine cone that has opened. George’s, on the other hand, is smooth with what looks like leather that is wrapped decoratively around it. We don’t know what the woods or cores are so feel free to decide for yourself.
Fred and George Weasleys Wands
Gryffindor School Uniform |
Some robes are very basic, while others are much more detailed. Any of them will work fine, so it’s up to you to decide how you want to dress your version of Fred or George. Gryffindor robes come in both child and adult sizes, so just about anyone in your family has the opportunity to dress in a Gryffindor robe.
Gryffindor Robe
Cosplay Robe
You have one more option when it comes to choose a robe. There are also cosplay versions of the Gryffindor house robe available.
Cosplay outfits are usually better quality than mass produced costumes. They are made from more durable materials and often include far more detail than non-Cosplay outfits. Most Cosplay robes are made for adults but I did see at least one on Etsy for kids and several on Amazon.f
Gryffindor Cosplay Robe
Grey Sweater
Each Hogwarts school uniform includes a sweater, which I am sure the students appreciated on cold, snowy days. The Gryffindor sweater is dark grey with burgundy accents around the wrists and bottom of the sweater.
There was an officially licensed Gryffindor House student sweater, as well as an authentic Replica version, but both are very hard to find. There are also handmade sweaters sold on Etsy. I have included several sources to help you find a sweater if you want to include one with your costume.
Gryffindor Sweater
White Shirt
Another part of every Hogwarts student’s school uniform is a white shirt. Sure, you rarely see the shirts underneath the school robes but they are there, so you will want to include one, especially if you want to be as accurate as possible with your outfit.
One thing that I do not know is if the shirts have long or short sleeves so you can decide what type of shirt will work best for your costume. There are a lot of shirts to choose from so go with the one that you like the most.
White Shirt
You can add a touch of class, or humor, to your outfit with one of the many Harry Potter cufflinks that are available. Most are serious, such as the ones for each of the four Houses, but some are silly, like the ones made with Harry Potter LEGO® characters. Some even come with matching tie clips.
Hogwarts Cufflinks
Grey Pants
The last thing you need for your costume is a pair of grey pants. I have found that Dockers style pants have just the right mixture of casual and professional look to them.
Grey Pants
School Hat
There are two types of hats that students of Hogwarts can wear as they go about their days. The first type of hat is the one you see here, a black hat that comes to a point on top.
This is the hat that conforms with each student’s required uniform. However, based on what we saw in the movies, the hat is required to have but not necessarily to wear. Students seemed to have the option to choose whether or not they wanted to wear it.
Hogwarts Student Hat
The other style of hat that Hogwarts students can wear is the beanie hat. This hat is perfect during the winter months because it will keep your ears warm if you choose to pull the hat down to cover your ears.
The beanie is knitted from the colors of Gryffindor House. Some styles even include the house’s crest on it, just above the forehead. It’s nice to know that Hogwarts allows students the option to choose their hats, especially given how cold it gets in the winter time there.
Gryffindor Beanie
Some Gryffindor robes come with a matching tie, but not all. Find out if the robe you want comes with a tie or not, and if it doesn’t then you can buy one separately.
All Gryffindor ties are a combination of maroon and gold, though the amount of redness varies from one tie maker to another. Some ties also have the Gryffindor house crest on them.
If you are also going to buy a hat and/or scarf then I recommend making sure that the red for all of them match.
Gryffindor Necktie
Tie Clip
There are several different tie clips, also called tie bars, that you can use to keep your House tie in place. Designs include the Hogwarts school crest, Platform 9 3/4, and the Deathly Hallows symbol.
Hogwarts Tie Clip
Another item that Hogwarts students are allowed to wear is a scarf. As you saw above with the beanie, scarves match the colors of a student’s house and the Gryffindor scarf is no exception.
There are scarves that will match the beanie hats, but you need to be careful. Some of the colors match while others clash. Take time to find a beanie and scarf that will go well together if you want to wear both with your costume.
If you live in a colder climate and want to dress up in a Harry Potter costume then it would make sense if you also wore a scarf with your outfit. Including a scarf will allow you bundle up and keep your neck and head warm.
Gryffindor Scarf
There are several different types of Gryffindor socks, including knee high and ankle socks. Some socks are officially licensed, while many others are lovingly designed by fans.
Gryffindor Socks
Complete your Gryffindor House uniform with a pair of shoes. There is one pair of officially licensed shoes, seen below, and many more that are custom made. There are styles available for both men and women.
Gryffindor Shoes
Gryffindor Quidditch Uniform |
Team Robe
Quidditch robes look a bit sportier than school robes, which makes sense given that they are meant to be worn while playing the official game of the wizarding world.
As of this writing there is an official Quidditch robe for children, but there isn’t one for adults. The good news is that there are talented people who are selling handmade robes for adults on Etsy (they make them for kids, too!) and sometimes eBay.
Gryffindor Quidditch Robe
Varsity Jacket
You have the option of wearing a varsity team jacket. There are several styles available, although they can be hard to find.
Gryffindor Quidditch Jacket
Team Sweater
You might recall that Quidditch players in the Harry Potter movies sometimes wore sweaters that matched their Houses. They are made from a heavy knit yarn and have accenting colors for each House. The Gryffindor sweater is red with yellow.
Gryffindor Quidditch Sweater
There is also a jersey shirt that is lightweight if you don’t want the warmth of the sweater. There are several official styles and many unofficial ones. Want a shirt with your name on it? You can get your jersey personalized if you buy it from the Warner Bros. Shop!
Gryffindor Quidditch Jersey
Would you believe that there are Gryffindor Quidditch socks? Yes, there are! The officially licensed socks are red and yellow, have a cape on the back of the legs, and the number 07, which was Harry Potter’s team number.
There is also a pair of ankle socks that you can wear with your Quidditch outfit if you don’t want socks that have a cape.
Gryffindor Quidditch Socks
There are not too many items that a Quidditch player is required to wear but the most important item is arguably the helmet. Quidditch helmets resemble old fashioned boxing helmets, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where the design inspiration came from.
Given the fact that Quidditch players are flying on brooms high above the ground, protecting their heads from falls is a must. At first glance Quidditch helmets don’t look very protective but I am sure that they have been magically enhanced so that students who fall don’t need to worry about their heads. Their arms, on the other hand, now that’s a different matter altogether…
Quidditch Helmet
An item that seems to be optional, yet very helpful, are goggles. Imagine what it must be like flying around at high speeds. Your eyes would surely take a beating even in the best weather. Days where it is raining would be torturous for the players.
Goggles are the perfect item to help Quidditch players fly without wind, rain, or debris irritating their eyes. I love how the goggles have a bit of a steampunk feel to them, and that they have a golden snitch on the sides. Goggles are a nice touch if you wear a Quidditch costume.

Quidditch Goggles
Accessory Kit
There is an officially licensed accessory kit that includes goggles, gloves, arm guards, and knee and shin guards. The are brown and look like they are made from leather (they aren’t really) and add a nice touch to any Quidditch uniform. There’s just one thing – this set only comes in child size.
Quidditch Accessory Kit
Having a decent broom is a must for every Quidditch player. The quality of a person’s broom will directly impact how well the team does as a whole, since speed and accuracy play a big part in this game.
Quidditch Broom
The Quaffle is the ball used to score in the game of Quidditch. It is much larger than the Golden Snitch, and it is easier to catch and throw.
There is an officially licensed Quaffle, but it often goes out of stock which is why I have included links to both Amazon and eBay to help you find one.
Bludger Bat and Ball
Beaters use Bludger bats to hit a small ball at their opponents to keep them from scoring. Getting hit by a Bludger or ball is one of the more dangerous aspects of Quidditch.
Both Fred and George were Beaters on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and they were very good at their job, so good that they were described as being “Human Bludgers” when playing.
Bludger Bat and Ball
Optional School Accessories |
Gryffindor Pin
Add a Gryffindor House pin to your uniform for a bit of fun. There are at least a handful of official pins that I know of, but there are many fan made pins that are also available.
Gryffindor House Pin
Hogwarts Student ID
I found a seller who makes Hogwarts student ID badges. Each badge includes a student’s details, such as House, name, gender, wizarding blood status, and wand type.
There are pre-made badges for many of the main characters that have pictures of the actors who portrayed each character. Or, you can customize a badge with a picture of yourself and any name you want.
Image courtesy of sblackwell19
Gryffindor ID Badge
Weasley Is Our King Button
Draco Malfoy wrote a song about Ron Weasley’s poor Quidditch skills to heighten Ron’s insecurities and help the Gryffindor team lose. Draco’s plan initially worked, but Ron was able to get over his self-doubts and triumphed. The ‘Weasley is Our King’ button is the perfect way to show your support for Gryffindor Quidditch player, Ron Weasley.
Weasley is our King Button
Hogwarts School Textbooks
Students at Hogwarts can take a variety of magical classes. There are several sellers on Etsy who have crafted their own versions of the textbooks used by Hogwarts students. Most are blank journals with textbook covers but at least one that I saw had two pages of text inside each journal. I am not sure if Fred or George would approve since they seemed more interested in extracurricular activities than they did in school work but you can keep a book or two hidden inside a pocket in case you feel like getting ahead in your lessons!
Hogwarts Textbooks
Marauders Map
Fred and George took pity on Harry during Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and gave him the Marauders Map, which they had pilfered from Filch’s office during their first year at school. Even though we didn’t see them use it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t add it to your costume because we know they used the map extensively during the four years that they had it.
Mauraders Map
Skiving Snack Box
While still at Hogwarts Fred and George used their fellow students to perfect their Skiving Snackbox, a collection of sweets meant to make students sick so they could skip (aka skive) their classes and enjoy their time instead of learn. The box includes Fainting Fancies, Fever Fudge, Nosebleed Nougat and Puking Pastiles.
Skiving Snack Box
White Hair and Beard
The Triwizard Tournament was held at Hogwarts during Harry Potter’s fourth year, which was an exciting time for all the students. Many wanted to throw their names in the Goblet of Fire but Headmaster Dumbledore added a magical ring around the goblet to prevents underage students from entering. That didn’t stop Fred and George who created an aging potion that allowed them to step across the ring’s barrier. They thought they had bested Dumbledore until the Headmaster’s magic tossed them out of the ring and they both grew white hair and beards.
White Wig and Beard
In the beginning of the seventh story, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Severus Snape accidentally hit George’s ear with a curse that left him with just one ear. George’s head was wrapped in gauze while his wound healed, which you can recreate with ease. You can even stick a toothbrush in the gauze, just like George did after he caught his sister Ginny kissing Harry.
Winter Cap
One of the movies showed the twins wearing identical winter ski type caps that were cream colored with blue designs and and a pom-pom on top. As of this writing there is a seller on Etsy who makes them if you want to add the beanie to your Fred or George Weasley outfit.
Ski Cap
Weasleys Wizard Wheezes Business Clothes |
At the end of the fifth story, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter gave Fred and George his prize money from the Triwizard Tournament so they could start a joke shop, which is exactly what they did. The twins turned in their Hogwarts robes for business clothes, which made them look very professional.
Brown Suit
The twins wore a brown pinstripe suit that is a milk chocolate color. It is single breasted with three buttons.
Brown Business Suit
The vests that they wore under their suits were looked the same except in color. One was mustard yellow while the other was mossy green. I had a difficult time finding exact matches so choose something that is earthy and matches your suit.
Earth Tone Vests
This is where you can have fun with your Fred or George Weasley costume because they wore shirts that didn’t really match the rest of their outfits. One shirt was yellow and brown checkered while the other was a maroon pattern, neither of which went with the pinstripes in their suits.
I suspect that, although their look was very close to Muggle attire, they wanted to add their own flare to their looks in ways that Muggles would never wear. I have chosen checkered shirts but go with whatever makes your heart sing with magical joy.
Dress Shirt
The neckties worn by Fred and George differed only in color. One was maroon while the other was burnt orange, both solid in color.
“W” Tie Pin
Both twins had a “W” pin on their ties. The “W” was in the same font as that used for their store name, Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. I regret that I couldn’t find their “W” anywhere but there are other “W” pins that will work just as well.
W Pin
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