September 24, 2018

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore October 31, 2021 @ 8:54PM
#hp #harrypotter #potterhead #hogwarts

Photo credit: Hogwarts by fangdarien

Good Morning Students and Staff:

I must say, what a game!! It all ended yesterday at about 3:48 pm. With Ravenclaw taking home the Golden Snitch. So many hurt in this game and the weather not being good at all. Madam Pomfrey will be busy in hospital for a few more days. Lots of Skele-Gro in use, as of now. Professor Finnigan had to rob her potions pantry for the time being. Final score: Ravenclaw 330, Gryffindor 200. Great game!! Now, heal up and get some rest. Today, Monday, we are remembering Zakery Dilbie, a Professor at Hogwarts from 1451 to 1475. Not a long stay as professor, as he was killed in a duel with an evil wizard while on holiday. Sad, very sad, but none the least a good man, it is written. Take it easy today. Many things to do but I know we are all a little tired from this weekends game.

Headmaster Dumbledore

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