Photo credit: Dumbledore by ckrickett
Good Morning Students and Staff:
As you heard yesterday, walls appeared on the fourth floor blocking the corridor and trapping several people inside. We tried everything to get them out. I was walking to my office to look for a instrument to help and the Room of Requirement opened to my left. I was thinking, "What could help?," and it seems Hogwarts knew what I needed. I walked through the doorway and laying on the floor before me was a single wand. I recognized it immediately. It was my old wand, the Elder wand, not broken but in one piece. As you have all heard, the Elder wand is a wand of legend. I had it for many decades and it was very powerful, but it was destroyed after the Battle At Hogwarts many years ago. Now, here it was again, whole. As I approached, it levitated in the air to meet my hand. It felt good to have it back. I went back to the fourth floor and with one flick of it the walls disappeared into thin air. My old wand back after all these years. In another time I acquired this wand but that is story of its own. All are well, nobody was hurt. Quidditch today 11:11 am today! Ravenclaw takes on Gryffindor!
Headmaster Dumbledore