Photo credit: The Sorting Hat by JoeyHawk11
Good Morning Students and Staff:
Well, it is good to see you all made it safe to school. I do hope your journey to Hogwarts was enjoyable. Hagrid was wonderful as usual at getting students to the school in a timely manner. First years, I hope you enjoyed your boat ride across the lake. It is quite magical to see Hogwarts appear from the mist before you. It always brings a tear to my eyes. The carriage ride to the castle most enjoyable for returning students to reacquaint with one another. Last night in the Great Hall was a feast for the ages. Much merry was had by all. The Sorting Hat ceremony was interesting, as always. Each house gained wonderful new members. After announcement where made of teachers and changes within, the new teacher for the Defense Against the Dark Arts is Thayon Graceman. Potions Master this year will be Judith Finnigan, cousin of Seamus Finnigan who once walked these halls many years ago. All others will retain their current positions. Wonderful to have you all here. Here's to wishing you a year filled with all the magic we can bring to you.
Warmest regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore