Good Morning Students and Staff:
I will be away for a while on holiday. I am going to a place called Universal Studios in Orlando Florida for some time. If anyone is looking for me there I will be in civilian clothes to blend in with the Muggle world. I will, however, carry one comfortable piece of clothing with me - my cap. I hear the sun can be rather hot there. I know my beard and glasses will also give me away but it is a price I must pay.
I will also be carrying a few Remembralls with me to hide in places within the park boundaries. Professor McGonagall will be in charge while I am away. Quidditch games are still on even after all the bad weather we have had here. The field has been rebuilt and every thing is back in order. Professor Flitwick says the Christmas choir is coming along nicely, too. Take care while I am away.
Headmaster Dumbledore