Moaning Myrtle by Robert Shredford is Fantastic!

Rochelle October 31, 2021 @ 9:52PM
A lyric from the song 'Moaning Myrtle' by Robert Shredford.

There is no denying that Moaning Myrtle is everyone's favorite depressed ghost, and that includes a girl band called Robert Shredford. They recently released a digital album with five tracks on it. The song I'm focusing this article on is called 'Moaning Myrtle' and is fantastic!

Not only is the tune incredibly catchy (I've had it on replay several times since first hearing it), the lyrics are quite humorous. My favorite is, "Moaning Myrtle is a pervle." They're not wrong!

Take a listen and see if you like it as much as I do. If so, scroll down a bit and you'll see where you can buy the album. Which, by the way, is solid all the way around. This might be the only Harry Potter inspired song but if you like the sound then I predict that you will like the rest of the album.

Moaning Myrtle by Robert Shredford

Album cover for the 2020 EP from Robert Shredford
Moaning Myrtle Single by Robert Shredford

I Want This - Help Me Find It

For those who are interested, the band is made up of two Ravenclaws, one Gryffindor, and one Slytherin. A big thank you to Robert Shredford for reaching out to me and making me aware of their music, and I hope that they have more Harry Potter inspired tunes in the future.

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