Photo credit: cdc: Harry Potter Mandrake by putridCheese
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
I am back after a long and interesting trip. When I was gone it seems things where a little weird here at the school. Professor Longbottom said a new crop on Mandrakes is being very nasty and irritating. The crystal ball in Professor Trelawney office has been glowing all colors and making strange noises. Dear Sybill is still confused as to why this happened and goes on about something bad happing in the future. The ball is being quarantined and kept under observation. Slytherin house is in the lead on the Quidditch field. They have won the last three games in a row. Dominating the field every game. Hagrid has told me that the creatures of the forbidden forest have been particularly riled up these past weeks. Looks like I have a long week ahead. Glad to be back. Enjoy your day.
Warm regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore