This set shows an exciting scene from the first book - the wild ride Harry Potter and Hagrid went on in a cart that took them deep under Gringott's Bank.
Harry was a bit more excited about the ride than Hagrid was. It took all of Hagrid's willpower to keep his lunch properly in his stomach.
There are two goblins included with this set who are ready to take Harry and Hagrid to their respective vaults. And speaking of vaults, you also get a vault that Hagrid's key fits into. What treasures are hidden inside Harry's vault? What mysterious item will Hagrid take from the bank? You get to decide where the Sorcerer's Stone is hidden!
Set 4714 - Gringott's Bank

Year Released: 2002
Set Number: 4714-1
Name of Set: Gringott's Bank
Book Set is Based On: Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone
Number of Parts: 238
Minifigures: 4 - Harry Potter, Hagrid, and two goblins
Creatures: 4 - Bat, rat, and two owls
Minimum Recommended Age to Build This Set: 7 years old
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Image Source: All images are used with permission by atlike
This LEGO® set contains small pieces that could be a choke hazard and is not meant for children age three and younger. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.