Remember Trivial Pursuit, the board game that tests your knowledge of random trivia? Well, in 2015 USAopoly came out with a Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit game, and Potterheads everywhere can find out how much they really know.
There are a few things you need to know if you are interested in this game. First, there is no board. It is an add-on to the regular game so you will need to own Trivial Pursuit to play this. The cards are kept in a pie-shaped container that also holds the die.
Second, there are 600 questions, but they are about the movies, not the books. That means there won't be any questions about Winkie, Witherwings, or Kreacher's transformation.
Trivial Pursuit: Harry Potter Edition

Manufacturer: USAopoly
Recommended Age: 8 and up
Number of Players: 2 or more
What's Included: 600 cards, one die, and pie-shaped container
Year Released: 2015
The game is played just like the traditional version of the game. You have a die that has a different color on each side. When rolled, the color of the die will tell you what category your question will come from.
Below are the six categories, as well as sample questions. Think you know the answers to the questions? Tell us in the comments below!
The Dark Arts (purple)
Q - What does the dark mark look like?
Hogwarts (blue)
Q - What phrase is etched into Harry's hand during his detention with Professor Umbridge?
Magic Spells & Potions (pink)
Q - What book does Hermione take from the library to make Polyjuice Potion?
Magical Objects (orange)
Q - The core of Harry Potter's wand is made from what?
Magical People (yellow)
Q - When Professor Trelawney predicts 'servant and master shall be reunited once more,' she is referring to which servant?
Animals & Magical Creatures (green)
Q - What creature does Mad-Eye Moody use to teach the Unforgivable Curses?