Have you found your way to this page because you have a sweet tooth that only Harry Potter candy can satisfy? If so then you are in good company!
Candy is loved by people of all ages and when it comes to sweets in the world of Harry Potter there is a wonderfully diverse collection of treats. Harry Potter candy comes in just about any flavor, and I do mean any flavor, that you could possibly want, and there are plenty of magical concoctions for you to choose.
I have to be honest – I was shocked when I realized how many different candies have been made! Most of them come straight from the Harry Potter books but there are many that were inspired by the stories and they fit in perfectly with the others. The candies found on this page are ones that I found for sale at the time that I wrote this. You won’t find every single candy ever made because I left off the ones that you can no longer buy on either Amazon or eBay, such as Cockroach Clusters.
There might not be a Trolley Witch ready to knock on your door with an assortment of treats from the Honeydukes Express trolley but we Muggles have the next best thing for those of you who aren’t able to travel to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios – online retailers! The two best sources for buying Harry Potter sweets online are Amazon and eBay. I do want to point out that the candies being sold change from time to time so the treats seen on this page may or may not be available for purchase at all times. If you are running low on your favorite candy then be sure to stock up on it before it disappears from these two sources.
My favorite Harry Potter candy is the Sherbet Lemons. What is yours? You can tell me in the comment section below.
Acid Pops |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Lollipops
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sour and sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Unknown (I cannot see the label)
Packaging: Disposable packaging
Each package of Acid Pops comes with three lollipops that are sure to make your mouth pucker! They start out sour and the sour lasts for a long time. These suckers have an acidic powder in the middle, similar to the powder used for the Sherbet Lemons, hence the name. I know that if you suck on lemon drops for too long that the acidic powder that coats them can burn your tongue. I can only imagine what a larger dose of the powder can do! Perhaps this is why the candy was discontinued…
This candy is discontinued and very hard to find. You are more likely to find the empty tin for acid pops (seen below) than the lollipops themselves.
If you see this tin for sale, double-check to see if it is empty or includes acid pop candy inside.
Acid Pops
Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Jelly beans
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: These can be sweet, spicy, or yucky depending on the bean
Food Allergy Warnings: Peanut-free (this is the only thing listed on the package regarding food allergies)
Packaging: Cardboard box
Ron Weasley warned Harry Potter about Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans by saying, “You want to be careful with those. When they say every flavor, they mean every flavor!” The Muggle version of these magical beans doesn’t have all the flavors that Ron and Harry, um, enjoyed, but we have a nice selection to choose from as you can see from the flavor list below.
Bertie Bott’s beans can be bought in individual packs or in bulk. The packaging has changed over the years. The original package (seen above on the left) looked just like the boxes seen in the movies while the new packaging is a purple box (seen above on the right). If you are lucky enough to find some beans in the original package you might want to keep the box as a souvenir.
This is a list of all the flavors for Bertie Botts Beans:
Bing Bong Ginger Snaps |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Ginger snap cookies
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet and spicy
Food Allergy Warnings: Wheat, eggs, and trace amounts of tree nuts or peanuts
Packaging: A reusable tin
Can I say that the name of these cookies is fun to say? There! I just did.
These are sure to be snapped up quickly by those of you who love the zing of ginger in your cookies!
Blood Pops |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Strawberry lollipops
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: None are listed on the package
Packaging: Disposable bag
Blood Pops are the favorite candy of vampires! Fortunately, the Muggle version is flavored with strawberry, not blood, but they have a red, sugary coating that will turn your tongue red. These have been discontinued and are hard to find.
Butterscotch Beer |
Candy Store Sold At: n/a
Type of Candy: Non-alcoholic soda
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Unknown (I couldn’t see the label)
Packaging: Glass bottles
This drink isn’t candy and it isn’t an official Harry Potter but I am including it on this list because it is sweet and is as close to Butter Beer as you can get without going to Universal Studios. People who have had official Butter Beer and this butterscotch beer say that it tastes the same, and they absolutely LOVE it! This soda is a combination of cream soda and butterscotch and is wonderfully sweet.
Chinese Fireball Dragon Eggs |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Hard candies
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Spicy sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free, gelatin-free, soy-free, peanut-free, and tree nut-free
Packaging: Reusable tin
These candies are bright red and taste like cinnamon. They come in a tin that you can reuse for your quills, pens, and pencils, or anything else you want to keep in it. I am not positive but I am fairly certain that this candy is discontinued and it is hard to find.
Chocoballs |
I have been unable to find an image of Chocoballs. Do you have a photo I can use? If so, please send me an email.
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Chocolate truffles
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Unknown (I couldn’t see the label)
Packaging: Disposable packaging
Chocoballs are milk chocolate truffles adorned with pink (strawberry?) frosting. They look absolutely delicious! Enjoy them if you are lucky enough to buy some because these are hard to find.
Chocolate Cauldron |
Candy Store Sold At: Zonko’s
Type of Candy: Chocolate
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Unknown (I couldn’t see the label)
Packaging: Disposable packaging
This chocolate cauldron is hollow and topped with green marshmallows covered in sprinkles. Some people like to eat the marshmallow first, then pour cold milk inside the cauldron and use it as a cup. This is hard to find unless you visit Universal Studios.
Image courtesy of populuxe
Chocolate Coins |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Chocolate
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Disposable packaging
There are a couple of different types of chocolate wizard coins – one variation even comes in an amazing coin bank tin that features Harry as he looked inside his vault at Gringott’s Bank for the first time. The tin was produced in 2000 and is hard to find. All but one of the chocolate coins that you can buy have coins fashioned after wizarding coins – galleons and sickles.
Chocolate Frog |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Chocolate
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Contains milk, soy, egg, and wheat, and is made in a plant that processes peanuts and tree nuts
Packaging: Depends on the frog – crispy chocolate frogs come in a disposable package and solid chocolate frogs come in a decorative blue cardboard box that you can save
There are two versions of chocolate frogs – one that is made of solid chocolate and another that is made of chocolate and has crispy rice inside. If you don’t know what crispy rice is then think of Rice Krispies cereal covered with chocolate. Yum! Both versions come with collectible wizard cards.
Chocolate Frog
Chocolate Wand |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Chocolate
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Disposable packaging
The chocolate wand is made from milk chocolate and is a fun way to try and connect to your inner witch or wizard.
Exploding Bonbons |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: White chocolate with a surprise inside
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Cardboard triangular container
These white chocolate bonbons don’t really explode but they do have orange and pineapple flavored candy inside that pop in your mouth the same way Pop Rocks explode.
Fever Fudge |
Candy Store Sold At: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
Type of Candy: Fudge
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Cardboard box
Fever Fudge is part of the Skiving Snackbox, a collection of sweets that causes unpleasant side effects immediately after being eaten so that students can skip class. The word ‘skive’ is slang for someone who purposely skips school without a formal reason. Muggles don’t have to worry about the unpleasant side effects of these sweets because the magic does not work outside of the magical world.
Fizzing Whizzbees |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Chocolatey fizzy fruits
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Cardboard container
Queen Bee Fizzing Whizzbees (sometimes spelled Fizzing Whizzbies) are made from fizzy fruit contained in dark chocolate. The fizzy fruits are similar to Pop Rocks.
Fudge Flies |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Fudge
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Cardboard packaging
Fudge Flies are, well, edible flies made from chocolatey fudge! Are you brave enough to eat a fly if it is made of fudge?
Jelly Slugs |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Gummies
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet and sour
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Disposable packaging
Jelly slugs are gummy slugs in a variety of flavors – banana, pear, sour cherry, tangerine, and watermelon. As good as these are, you probably aren’t going to see Ron Weasley eating these any time soon! They come in two different packages. The first is a small, purple bag and the second is a large, rectangular box.
Jumping Snakes |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Peppermint
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Spicy
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Decorative glass jar
Jumping Snakes are peppermint sticks that are either red or green. The sticks are hard and crunchy like candy canes.
Love Potion |
Candy Store Sold At: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
Type of Candy: Liquid sweets
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Plastic bottle
Love Potion is a sweet liquid that you can give to the person you fancy in an effort to win his or her heart!
Nosebleed Nougats |
Candy Store Sold At: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
Type of Candy: Chocolate and pistachios
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Contains tree nuts and is produced in a facility that contains peanuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Disposable packaging
Nosebleed Nougats are one of four sweets that make up the Skiving Snackbox, which is a collection of candies that purposely make witches and wizards sick when taken so they can skip (or ‘skive’) class. Fortunately for us Muggles the magical properties have been removed so you can safely eat these nougats without fear of a nosebleed! These are chocolates with pistachio nuts and topped with white pearl candy balls.
Pepper Imps |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Hard candy
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Spicy
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Reusable glass jar
Pepper Imps are cinnamon candies meant to make steam come out of your ears, but this effect only works if you are a witch or wizard. Muggles can simply enjoy the spicy sweetness of cinnamon.
Peppermint Toads |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Chocolate
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Contains milk and soy, and is produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Cardboard container
Peppermint Toads are peppermint flavored dark chocolate treats.
Pink Coconut Ice |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Creamy fudge
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Contains milk and tree nuts (coconut), and is produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, egg, soy, and wheat
Packaging: Disposable packaging
Pink Coconut Ice is a creamy confection that includes coconut and pink fudge.
Puking Pastilles |
Candy Store Sold At: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
Type of Candy: Chewy
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Cardboard box
Puking Pastilles are one of four sweets from the Skiving Snackbox. They are diamond-shaped pastilles that are grey on one side and green on the other. Witches and wizards who want to skip a class simply need to eat one half to begin violently vomiting, then eat the other half to stop and enjoy their day off.
Muggles do not need to worry about the disgusting aspect of these treats and can eat them without fear of being sick (unless, of course, you overindulge!).
Pumpkin Juice |
Candy Store Sold At: The Three Broomsticks
Type of Candy: Drink
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Unknown (I can’t see the label)
Packaging: Reusable plastic bottle
Pumpkin juice, a pumpkin-flavored drink with spices, is a favorite drink for Hogwarts students. Muggles who visit Universal Studios love it just as much and many advise that you drink it chilled for the best flavor.
Sherbet Lemons |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Hard candy
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet and sour
Food Allergy Warnings: Produced in a facility that contains peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, egg, and wheat
Packaging: Reusable glass jar
I’m sure that many of you remember that sherbet lemons (also called lemon drops) were one of Albus Dumbledore’s favorite candies. He even used them as a password to get to his Headmaster’s office. Sherbet Lemons are hard candies that combine sour with sweet perfectly!
Sherbet Lemons
Snape’s Potions Candy |
Candy Store Sold At: n/a
Type of Candy: Powder and liquid
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Unsure, possibly sweet and sour
Food Allergy Warnings: Unknown (the packaging doesn’t list any warnings)
Packaging: Disposable packaging
Snape’s Potions Candy was sold in 2001 by Hasbro. The set contains a cauldron with secret mixing powders and a mysterious liquid used to make yummy potions. This item has been discontinued and is hard to find. I personally find this candy rather funny because I strongly suspect that Severus Snape would never make something as delicious as candy that his students actually want to eat!
Spin Pops |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Lollipop
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: Unknown (I cannot see the label)
Packaging: Disposable packaging
There are several varieties of the Harry Potter Spin Pop lollipops. Each one comes with a sucker and has some sort of moving part that spins, such as the one seen in the image above.
Image courtesy of periwinkle
Tongueburners |
Candy Store Sold At: Honeydukes
Type of Candy: Mints
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Spicy
Food Allergy Warnings: Unknown (I cannot see the label)
Packaging: Reusable tin
Tongueburners are described as, “tooth splintering strong mints.” It is possible that they used to be stronger than they are today because one Amazon reviewer said as much, that the minty taste is tamer today than in the past.
U – NO – POO |
Candy Store Sold At: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
Type of Candy: Chocolate
Sweet, Spicy, or Yucky: Sweet
Food Allergy Warnings: May contain soy, peanuts, tree nuts, or wheat
Packaging: Reusable glass jar
U-NO-POO may have horrified Molly Weasley but Fred and George Weasley knew exactly what they were doing when they created this chocolate-covered candy!
Fear not. Muggles can enjoy U NO POO without having to be constipated.
Want to See More? Click here to see the list of Harry Potter home and kitchen gear |
Hi I was wondering if you could order me some hart potter sweets I love to try them
I regret that I am unable to order any, but it is possible that you can buy some from either Amazon or eBay from sellers who ship to your country. Good luck!