Good Evening Students and Staff:
It is late and I have a confession to make. Some of you know what I did but I did it to save a student's life.
Stanford Hamish was taken from this school against his will. At the age of 13 with limited wizarding skills, he was no match for his captor. We could not locate Stanford so I used a Time-Turner to intervene. I knew that traveling into the past can have consequences but I felt the boy's safety was first. With a few turns I was able to travel back to the night of the event. I waited quietly in his common room until the captor entered, dressed in a black hooded robe. I used the Freezing Charm to immobilize the attacker!
Upon looking under the hood I was shocked to find the boy's uncle, Timothy Harloom. It seems Stanford's mother was having a family crisis and the brother decided to kidnap her son. It has taken a few days to sort this out and that is why I have not posted for a while.
Things at the school are fine and no other problems have been seen or reported. I have ask Professor Sprout, Madam Hooch, Hagrid, and a few others to watch out for any temporal paradox events at the school. We should know in a few days if any have occurred. I have also placed a protection spell on the school that protects any student or staff member from being kidnaped in or on the grounds of Hogwarts. Any attempt to do so will contain the perpetrator until capture of said person or beast.
Headmaster Dumbledore