Recently I wrote about the “Always” tattoo that I got and it made me curious about what kinds of ink designs other people in the Harry Potter fandom have, so I asked people to share pictures of theirs, along with stories about the meanings behind them.
The pictures you see here are the result of my question. The tattoos seen here are truly art and I’m humbled by many of the stories. There’s something about J.K. Rowling’s magical world that touches us deeply, myself included, and that is clearly obvious as you read this page. Be forewarned, several stories brought me to tears.
All pictures are used with their owners permissions. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this post. The Harry Potter fandom is full of wonderful people! Scroll to the bottom of this page to find out how you can have your own content added to this site.
Accio Adventure |

“This is my newest. There are two small words…accio adventure. I’m always up for a new adventure.”
Photo credit: Cindy E.
After All This Time And Always |

“His first tattoo, at age 42; he jokes about the unintended double meaning, that he got his first tattoo “after all this time” of waiting for the perfect choice.”
Photo credit: Dani B.
All Was Well |

“It’s on my left shoulder and it’s there to remind me that in the end it will be ok.”
Photo credit: Sharon B.
Always |

“We know what always meant for Snape well I lost my husband 4 1/2 years ago so my always is over my heart ♥️. I also got it May 2, 2018 on the 20th anniversary of the battle of Hogwarts.”
Photo credit: Jodi T.
Always And Deathly Hallows |

“This is an old photo from right after it was finished so that’s why it is slightly red.”
Photo credit: Casey A.
Always (Made Of Symbols) |

Photo credit: Michael W. L.
Always (With Deathly Hallows) |

Photo credit: Gina M.
Always (With Deathly Hallows And Feather) |

Photo credit: Taylor W.
Always (With Deathly Hallows And Stars) |

“I have an “Always” one too. Snape is my favourite character and that line gives me chills. My fiance had paid for me to get a tattoo, so it seemed fitting as he is my always.”
Photo credit: Elaine G.
Always (With Severus Snape’s Wand) |

“So it kind of has a long explanation but here it is:
Three roses. One for each of my daughters. Purple bc it means “love at first sight”. The word Always…self explanatory. . The wand and overall just design in general to remind myself to find the magic in life. And to remind myself that I’m more than the label “mom”. I’m simply me, and that’s perfect.
Oh and yes, that’s Snape’s wand bc he is simply my favorite character.”
Photo credit: Kirsten M.
Dark Mark |

“This is my Dark Mark. I had a rough time as a teenager due to various misdiagnosed chronic illnesses and some issues with my family. I was removed from my family by the state and raised in a residential school, and by 18 I had my own apartment and was on my own. It was a tough life, and I am SURE that 11 year old me would have been sorted into Slytherin, and teenage me would have gladly followed the Dark Lord. My Dark Mark covers old tattoos and self injury scars. (I did a lot of battle as a deatheater). I accepted myself for who I am, abandoned my “pureblood” family and met the woman of my dreams, got proper treatment and diagnosis for my medical issues and am raising a wonderful teenage Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff. I turned my back on the darkness and proudly serve the light.”
Photo credit: Cyn B.
Dark Mark (Ultra Violet Ink) |

“March 28, 2012I officially joined my lord, with this UV piece. I love the secret connection it gives me with others who can’t see it. It’s healed pretty nicely, but I occasionally get the “oh you have a henna tattoo” comment.”
Photo credit: Karina R.
Deathly Hallows |

“A few weeks ago I was going through some intense personal struggles and like one of the wisest men in Harry Potter once said, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
I got the Deathly Hallows tattooed on me to be a constant reminder of that light because Harry Potter has been a major comfort to me growing up. Whenever I felt bad, I could always pop open a Harry Potter book for a magical escape. The same holds true today, but Harry Potter means so much more than books now.
The community has been a source of light for me over the past few years as I’ve grown to meet so many amazing people through Harry Potter. I can’t begin to explain how much Potter people mean to me.
During that dark time so many Potter people that I’ve met in all fashions – at conventions, from my childhood, in Facebook groups, through my blog Simply Potter – went out of their way to send me comforting and motivating messages, make check in phone calls, and forward along funny photos. I wanted to forever be reminded of the light this community brings.”
Photo credit: Brandy B.
Deathly Hallows And Always |

“My cousins and I all got tattoos in Florida last year by our good friend, who we haven’t seen in years, and who is a tattoo artist in Orlando.”
Photo credit: Erin M.
Deathly Hallows And Expecto Patronum |

“To me, this tattoo means more than “I await a guardian”. This tattoo means facing my demons even if I am on the ropes. Finding the happiest moments and holding on to them. And remembering the joy and love this fandom has brought me. Always love.”
Photo credit: Steffanie B.
Deathly Hallows (With Chainmaille) |

“So the story behind this one – I make chainmaille jewelry and for the longest time I wanted to incorporate chainmaille into a tattoo. I also wanted to figure out a unique version of the Deathly Hallows symbol into a tattoo for me so I eventually had the idea to combine the two and I worked with my artist on the idea and it turned out awesome.”
Photo credit: Alyssa S.
Deathly Hallows (With House Colors) |

“My deathly hallows, I absolutely love it!”
Photo credit: Kimmie C.
Deathly Hallows (With Lightening Bolt) |

“I’ve always loved HP. The books and movies were a way for me to escape reality for a while. My mom got me the first 4 books for Christmas one year. And I loved them. I’ve been reading them since I was 9 years old. When I’m feeling extra down and lonely I always go back to those books like an old friend. When I watch the movies with my kids it’s like rediscovering the world all over again. Hogwarts is our home.”
Photo credit: Eileen M.
Deathly Hallows (With Ornamentation) |

“The HP series means so much to me and it always has. If I’m ever having a bad day, I turn any HP movie on and it instantly comforts me. I plan on getting another HP tattoo but not sure what’s to come. For now, my deathly hallows symbol will do.”
Photo credit: Lauren A.
Deathly Hallows (With Ornamentation) |

“Deathly hallows on my inner right forearm.”
Photo credit: Bella Z.
Deathly Hallows (With The Story Of The Three Brothers) |

“I chose this because the hallows represents a lot of life aspects to me. The wand is my desire to always be the best at what I do. Not necessarily power but to be the top of my abilities. The cloak because sometimes I wish I could disappear and hide from my anxiety and depression. The resurrection stone because I miss a dear loved one I wish I could bring back and share many things with. Death because I want to live everyday like death is searching for me. Always because I want a love that lasts a lifetime and makes all things complete and full circle.”
Photo credit: Tomi D.
Deathly Hallows (With The Story Of The Three Brothers) |

“My dad had an asthma attack in 2006 that killed him but he was able to be resuscitated; in 2017 he had a heart attack that was caught within minutes (he was walking into the ER for not feeling well) and was able to get a stent… 10 minutes later and he would have died. As he talked to people about how he felt, putting these events in perspective, he says that he feels like he and death are sort of friends and it just isn’t his time yet, but when it is his time he will accept it since he escaped it twice already. Every time I’ve heard him tell the story, I can only think of the three brothers, specifically the third brother who greets death as an old friend.”
Photo credit: Mandi S.
Deathly Hallows (With Winged Key) |

“My other Harry Potter tattoo. My first ever tattoo.”
Photo credit: Savannah K.
Glasses And Lightening Bolt |

“Here’s mine on my inner right forearm. I’m getting it touched up this weekend. I wanted something simple, but something that would be instantly recognizable to fellow Potterlovers. I love my tattoo & it’s location. I can choose to hide it or show it as I please & it’s in a place where I can see it anytime I want (it always reminds me of HP & makes me smile when I do glance at it 🙂 ). No real deep story or meaning behind it, just a huge love of the Harry Potter fandom. My next tattoo I’d like to be Slytherin-focused, though I haven’t decided just what I’d like that to be yet.”
Photo credit: Shawna M. B.
Hermione Granger (As Belle) |

“I have two. This one is only two weeks old. Beauty and the best amd Harry Potter are my two favorite movies. And Emma Watson my favorite actress. It seemed natural to get the perfect mash up.”
Photo credit: Savannah K.
Hogwarts |

“My story: I battle with depression. I always have and one of my things I turn to, instead of previous bad decisions, Is Harry Potter. It might sound crazy, but the story takes me to another place and helps me escape long enough to get through the tougher times. So when I get through a pretty tough time I add another piece to my arm. Next is the rocks and then the house colors. Then whatever inspires me next!”
Photo credit: Jill R. S.
Hogwarts, Book, Snitch, And Glasses |

“My best friend Jenni & I got our matching tattoos the day after the 1st Celebration of HP we attended in 2017. We got them at Hart & Huntington. It was the absolute best weekend & the tattoos remind us! We had wanted matching tattoos for years but couldn’t decide.. and then finally we realized HP is something that means so much to us both!”
Photo credit: Vanessa N.
Hogwarts Crest |

Photo credit: Quiller B.
Hogwarts Crest |

Photo credit: Marie B.
Hogwarts Fantasy |

“Here’s mine. It’s part of an overall fantasy based fiction sleeve I have in progress on my left arm including a Labyrinth quote and Falkor. The right arm is sci fi. For the Harry Potter bit it’s the Hogwarts Express, Hogwarts and the whomping willow. The design was created by and executed by my tattoo artist, Larry Lockwood of Ink Addiction in Valdosta, GA”
Photo credit: Mari E.
Lightening Bolt And Glasses |

Photo credit: Ian R.
Misc. Harry Potter Symbols |

“Here’s mine. I think it’s self explanatory.”
Photo credit: Brittney E.
Quote From Sirius Black |

“Here’s mine. Got this back in 2013. This was my second tattoo. Looking back I wish the words were more spaced out but overall I like it. Its the motto I live by. My parents didn’t allow me to have tattoos before I graduated college so I got this on my ribs so I could hide it. It worked because my parents found out about my tattoos a year after I graduated. But anywho, Sirius Black has and forever will be one of my favorite characters. I also have the Dealthy Hallows on my wrist but the artist did not do a very good job and I haven’t been able to go get it touched up so we won’t show that hahaha.”
[The symbols on top are the ones seen on Sirius’s Azkaban prison sign.]
Photo credit: Sara D.
Raven Claw |

“My house.”
Photo credit: Tammy L.
Ravens And Hogwarts |

“I am Ravenclaw. I wanted the backdrop to be a pencil sketch of Hogwarts castle.”
Photo credit: Quiller B.
Until The Very End And Lightening Bolt |

“I’m adding more it to later this month (doing an hp themed arm), so it’s not finished but here’s my most favourite tattoo. Writing done professionally, lighting bolt done by my brother when we were younger lol.”
Photo credit: Mel C.
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