If you want to buy Albus Dumbledore's wand, did you know that there are seven different types for you to choose from? You have your choice of a pen wand, keychain wand, interactive wand, and traditional wand. You can call it the Elder Wand, the Deathstick, the Wand or Destiny, or simply Dumbledore's wand, but with all those versions you should be able to find the wand that chooses you!

Wand Wood
Dumbledore's wand is made from the wood of an elder tree, which is why it is known as the Elder Wand.
Elder wood is the rarest of all the woods used to make wands. Wandlore says that elder wood is very unlucky and that mastering a wand made of elder is more difficult than any other wand. Wands of elder wood are powerfully magical and they demand to be owned by witches or wizards who are supremely talented. An elder wood wand will turn away from an owner who it perceives is weak.
Elder wands are rarely owned for long and it takes a remarkable person to keep one for any length of time. I think it shows how powerful Dumbledore was that he was able to keep the Elder Wand for decades and that he seemed to have bonded with it well.
Wand Core
The core of the Elder Wand contains the tail hair of a Thestral. Thestral core wands very difficult to use because they need to be owned by witches or wizards who have mastered death.
A Thestral is a magical creature that resembles a black, winged horse. They are viewed as omens of bad tidings, but this is a misconception. They have this reputation because the only people who can see Thestrals are those who have seen someone die and accepted the concept of death.
Wand Length
15 inches
Wand Design
Aside from being the most powerful wand ever created, the Elder Wand is also unique in how it looks. It has what looks like elderberry clusters spaced along the wand, which makes sense because elder trees grow elderberries.
The handle has what looks like runes on it. I do not know what the runes say, but I found one possibility that makes sense to me. Keep in mind that this is not confirmed! Only a theory based on my research.
The general consensus is that the runes are Anglo Saxon and say, "Cheat only once." If true, this is interesting because the story of The Three Brothers was about three men who cheated Death. The brother who owned the Elder Wand was killed shortly after acquiring the wand, and Death collected him. I interpret the saying as a warning to whomever wields the wand.
Ollivanders Wand

Mr. Ollivander is the most trusted wand maker in London and he made the wands for almost every student at Hogwarts for decades. He did not make the Elder Wand, but there is an Ollivanders version of this wand. This is the version that you will see for sale if you are fortunate enough to go to Universal Studio's Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It comes in one of Mr. Ollivander's boxes that is lined with a soft material to keep your wand safe for years to come.
Interactive Ollivanders Wand

Interactive wands look like Ollivander wands, but they have one small difference - interactive wands are the only ones that can be used to cast magical spells at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios. There is an interactive version of Dumbledore's wand that looks identical to the one seen above, except at the tip. I wrote about interactive Harry Potter wands if you are unfamiliar with them. You can read about them here.
Here is a video that I took of my daughter as she used her interactive wand to cast a spell. FYI - This is one of the hidden spell locations...
Some browsers prevent videos from playing so if you are unable to watch the video then I recommend that you try again using a different browser (i.e. Google Chrome or Opera)
Noble Collection Wand
The Noble Collection version of Dumbledore's wand includes a different box than the Ollivanders box and a removable name tag. The Noble Collection wand is also a bit darker than the Ollivanders version. Noble Collection boxes are lined with a soft material to help protect your wand.

There is another Noble Collection version of the Death Wand that you will see and it looks like the image below. The wand itself is similar, if a bit lighter, than the one above, but the box is different and it does not include a name tag. The box you see below is similar to the boxes used in the movies.

Illuminating Tip Wand
Wands with illuminating tips are a lot of fun to play with because the tip glows when you flick the wand, dims with another flick, and turns off with a third. It uses AAA batteries (I'm not sure how many) and there is an on/off switch so you don't have to worry about running down the battery. My girls have illuminating tip wands and they love using them to cast the Lumos spell.
I have also seen a light up version of this wand that shoots a beam of light out of the end, like a flashlight. If you want the kind where only the tip lights up then be careful of which wand you buy.

Keychain Wand
If you prefer to take your wand with you everywhere you go then take a look at the Dumbledore keychain wand. It is small and made of durable metal. You can also use it as a charm on a purse or backpack.

Pen Wand
Pen wands are small and lighter than their larger cousins. They are usually paired up with a small wand and a bookmark, like what you see below. If asked, you can tell people that you got your wand pen at Scribbulus Wand Implements, a store located in Diagon Alley next to Quality Quidditch Supplies.

Custom Wands
There are several sellers on Etsy who sell custom, handmade versions of Dumbledore's wand, like the one you see below.