Photo credit: Quidditch 6 by Mary-Margret
Good Morning Students and Staff:
It has been a long night! The Quidditch match is still going on. Unfortunately, the weather has turned for the worst! Madam Pomfrey is having a hard time taking care of the wounded. I have recruited several students and teachers to help with the hurt. As fast as we can fix them, they are returning to the hospital wing. Syrus Revolt of Slytherin took the first nasty hit by a bludger to the side, knocking him off his broom at about 40 feet. He landed with a terrible thud. It is a good thing wizards and witches have tough bone structures. A muggle would have died! Second, Vonica Florance, beater for Gryffindor. Her broom broke in midflight. Just broke! She also fell very hard and had to be sent to the hospital. As the day progressed it became common to just stay on the field below and take them to hospital as they dropped. Some below were even trying to break their falls. I will update later on the outcome. Be safe!