Photo credit: Hogwarts Stairways by LovelyHufflePuff
Good Morning Students and Staff:
A word about the stairs at Hogwarts.
As long as anyone can remember the stairs at Hogwarts have been enchanted. They move at random, no spell has ever stopped them, and many have tried. I, myself, many times. It seems to be old magic. Now the reason I am saying this is because Standish McFloorson, a second year Ravenclaw, was pinched between the stairs as they meet the top of the ramp they where moving toward. He will be ok, Madam Pomfrey is attending to him. When on or approaching a moving set of stairs, do so with caution. Most days they move very little but on others they move often. I, myself, have been whisked away to other floors I did not wish to go to. If in doubt, ask the portrait hanging on the wall near there about the activity of the stair today. They will help you. Take care!
Headmaster Dumbledore