Shawna, a woman named who is a MAJOR Potterhead, recently acquired what might arguably be the addition of a lifetime to her Harry Potter collection. Her husband is aware of what Harry Potter means to her, so when she discovered a 1961 Ford Anglia slowly rotting away in a hay barn for the past 30 years, he encouraged her to buy it from the owner.
She was successful and is now the proud owner of the vehicle. As you can see from the picture, the car is in need of a lot of tender loving care, but she is the perfect person to give it the car.
I noticed that Shawna refers to the car as a her and asked what she named the vehicle. She said that she chose Molly, which is completely appropriate because this is a Weasley car.
Shawna and her husband started the long process of bringing the car back to life. The first thing they did was get her a new battery and four tires. It didn’t take long for them to realize that it was a bigger project than the initially estimated and have made the decision to have it professionally restored. However, Shawna is very much involved with finding what is needed for her car.

You might be wondering if she is going to keep its original red color. Of course not! Now of the most important changes will be to paint the Anglia the same color blue as Arthur Weasley’s car. Ob-viously!
Someone suggested that Shawna add an invisibility button inside and she is going to do her best to recreate it, if possible. When she is done, Shawna is going to have a wonderful replica that she can actually drive around, and I can’t wait to see the finished product! I’ll be sure to write again when the work is done, but that won’t be until about a year from now.
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I can’t wait to see the finished project!