Photo credit: The Great Hall by Eliott-Chacoco
Good Morning Students and Staff:
Yesterday evening as I strolled down the hallway a student I will not name came up to me, crying. It seems this students was crying about a test taken that day and was distraught about the outcome. I suggested we take a walk to the Great Hall, have a bowl of ice cream together, and talk.
As we talked the tears dried and I saw a smile on the student's face. In a few minutes we where both laughing so hard I snorted and we laughed even louder. I had told this young person a story about a young me during my days here at Hogwarts as a student. Not all was well here during my time in a younger man's clothes. I had my fair share of ups and downs, and it was part of life. I told of a story as a young boy someone bewitched my shoe strings on my shoes and they kept poking my legs - no harm or pain, just an annoyance. Rather funny looking as I walked to class.
We all have those days, those worries, but mostly in the end we are better. Ice cream eaten and a smile on both our faces, we parted both feeling happy in our time spent together. Enjoy your day!
Headmaster Dumbledore