Photo credit: Dumbledore and Fawkes by LongLiveQueenueg
Good Morning Students and Staff:
I am sorry I have not been here for the last few days. It seems someone placed a spell on me. Late Sunday evening I received an OWL to my chambers and a letter was attached. I took the letter, said goodbye to the owl who brought it, and opened it up. When I opened it, a purple smoke arose and injected itself into my nose. For a minute I was stunned but it wore off and I thought everything was alright.
When I went to say good night to Fawkes I realized my words where coming out backwards. I tried to write and I was writing backwards. I tried a Quick-Quotes Quill and it, too, wrote backwards. I went to Professor McGonagall to assist and it took me a few minutes and a lot of hand jester to tell her what was happening to me. Quite irritating not being able to communicate.
We went to Madam Pomfrey who summoned Professor Graceman, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Finnigan. All tried to help but nothing worked. I tried a few things myself. In the end only time helped. The spell wore off last night. I felt what ever it was leave my body late last night and I was able to speak correctly again. Sorry to be away but never a dull moment here at Hogwarts, you know. I have a trace out on the letter now. I will find you whoever you are.
.yad doog a evaH! Just kidding!
Headmaster Dumbledore