A group or organization calling itself Muggle Flix on YouTube has created a Harry Potter fan film called Neville Longbottom And The Black Witch. It was released in the summer of 2019. Although I haven’t been able to find the exact release date, I think it might have been July 20, 2019, which would be appropriate because that’s the date of Neville Longbottom’s birthday.
The reason I say that date would be appropriate is because the film, which runs at a little over 16 minutes, tells the story of how Frank and Alice Longbottom ended up in St. Mungo’s Hospital. It is a beautifully told and filmed story that shows how happy Neville’s family was before his parents were tortured into insanity.
The story stays faithful to author J.K. Rowling’s series of books, which hasn’t always been true of other fan films inspired by Harry Potter that I have seen. The writer even included a few nods to the story we all know, such as having Frank Longbottom use the Stupefy spell, which Neville uses during the battle in the Department of Mysteries in book five, and baby Neville having a toy frog. His grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, says to a crying Neville at one point, “You love your frog.”
I won’t go into great detail on the story since I don’t want to spoil anything but I will confess that I was crying quite a bit by the end. That speaks to the love that was put into this short movie and how well done it was. It ends with a scene that those of you who have read the books will recognize, which was very sweet.
Please share in the comments below what you loved most about this movie, which was written and directed by Kali Bailey.