May 28, 2018

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore October 31, 2021 @ 8:54PM
Portrait of Arthur Weasley, head of the Weasley family. #hp #harrypotter #harrypotterfan #arthurweasley #weasley

Photo credit: Arthur Weasley by LMRourke

Good Morning Students and Faculty:

Today Arthur Weasley is bringing to the school a muggle device called a projector. It uses a reel of tape and spins it around with a light that shines through onto a wall or canvas. Producing a recording of muggles doing things. They are called movies in the muggle world. When I was younger I went to a few of these when I was in America. Very interesting. You purchased a ticket at the front of a building and walked into this room inside where the smell of wonderful food was everywhere. Muggles have this food called Popcorn. You could purchase a bag and proceed into the theater to see the movie. The taste is wonderful! I believe we will try and duplicate this delicious food for our movie today. Movie starts in the Great Hall at 2:59 pm. See you there.

Headmaster Dumbledore

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