Photo credit: 3d Wizards Study by Jynxlucky
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
Where to start? First off, only a few were injured in the event. A few students were trapped in the Slytherin common room. They where saved by Minister Shacklebolt and Madam Hooch. Madam Pomfrey is tending to them. Repairs are in order. Professor McGonagall and Madam Sprout are repairing the castle as we speak. None of the paintings or portraits where damaged too badly. The ones needing repair, Mr. Filch is working on now. Upon investigation we found that the crystal ball that had been struck by lighting from Professor Trelawney's classroom has grown in size by two. Clouds inside are swirling violently, propelling inside at the walls of the sphere. It seems like a raging storm inside it. I have placed a very strong shield charm encasing the room that the crystal ball is inside of. It seemed to calm it down a bit. It seemed to sense that it was contained. Curious! All is returning back to normal for now. Classes are cancelled today so take time to go back to your common area and clean up.
Headmaster Dumbledore