Photo credit: Fly Buckbeak Fly by blademalfoy
Beautiful Morning to All:
Yesterday with Buckbeak and his family was a beautiful adventure. All had a wonderful time. At the end of the day, for the first time in a long time, I was approached by Buckbeak and I bowed. Hagrid, in his wise animal wisdom, told me Buckbeak wanted me to ride on him. At first I was a little hesitant but with the prodding of all students and teachers present, I agreed. We flew for at least an hour, soaring over the mountains, flying at the water edge, inches from the ground. It was exhilarating. I felt young again, a feeling that has eluded me for a long time. After it all Buckbeak and his family came back to the school with us and a special place in the Great Hall was prepared for them. A special meal was made for them, too. A grand time was had by all. Surely to be remembered and cherished for the rest of our lives. Just when life seems to be difficult and demanding. It sometimes gives us a break and a reason to smile. Have a beautiful day.
Warm regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore