Photo credit: Whomping Willow and Hogwarts Castle... by WormholePaintings
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
First off, a nod to the Queen's grandson Prince Harry for his marriage. May their lives be forever giving kindness and love as they go hand-in-hand though it. Now on to school matters. Last night teachers, members of the Ministry, and I released the crystal ball from its restraints. We formed a shielded path for it to follow down the hallway to a window leading outside. On standby along the way we guarded the school from its path if it deflected. When released, the sphere hovered, spun around, and seemed to be looking for its path. Realizing it had but one, it advanced toward the window. Passing through it without breaking it. Once outside the castle, with members of staff on brooms at the ready, the sphere flew directly into the Whomping Willow, settling on a branch. To much surprise, the tree accepted it and never lashed out. I have never seen the tree do this in all my years here. Everything that comes in contact with it, it smashes. I could never communicate with the sphere although I tried many ways. It does seem to have consciousness. For now, we will watch. It has been a long week. A gathering will be in the Great Hall later today for some entertainment. It will be nice to enjoy some happy time.
Headmaster Dumbledore