Photo credit: HP - Chivalry Never Dies by LevyRasputin
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
All is well this morning, as the shield around the school held. Patrols noted that there were some sightings outside of the shield of Dementors. Once again, the officials from the Ministry will be here today. A meeting of staff will be held at 11:32 am this morning. Do take note the ghost of the castle seem rather upset about the Dementor problem and are exhibiting some odd behavior. Tread lightly and be extra nice today too them. Nearly Headless Nick is in pieces. Consoling him would be a nice gesture when he is around. Sir Cadogan in his portrait on the 7th floor is in a fit and ready to battle the Dementors. Try not to agitate him in this state. I know emotions are heightened at this time but calm is the path we will follow.
Headmaster Dumbledore