Photo credit: Gryffindor Quidditch Victory by laurabits
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
For all of you not up yet since the Quidditch match went way into the AM hours, restful sleep. Exciting game yesterday to those who missed it. For those who saw it, an amazing competition was held on the field. The game ended with Dirk Shacklebolt, keeper for Gryffindor, catching the snitch in the wee hours of the morning barely snatching it from the hand of keeper for Slytherin Percy Misery. Final score 210 Gryffindor 90 for Slytherin . A fine game Slytherin held the lead for most of the time. Well done, all. It seems that some of the students complained about being turned green for the game as these are Slytherin colors. Remember we are one school all houses treated equal. Enjoy your day !! A trip to Hogsmeade today for some fun, maybe.
Warmest regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore