Photo credit: Magical Tree of Light by RedRainFalls
I am back my dear Students and Faculty:
It has been an interesting journey with many twist and turns. Adventures in far away lands and new friendships made. Stories to be told. One of these journeys brought me to a land where a kind folk live who have magical powers but are Muggle. The magic they posess is one from the lands they live on. They use a wand made from Bog-wood found only in the waters of this land a wood that is submerged for thousands of years and very rare to find. These wands are fashioned from small logs that draw their magic from the earth around them over the years submerged. These people, known as "Elementals", are a shy folk who mostly hide from the world. I spent some time on my journeys with them in these past weeks learning about their ways. Kind and generous they are. All things at Hogwarts seem in order. A few things. It seems that putting spells on Madam Hooch's classroom brooms and sending them around flying on their own has become all the rage at the school since I have been gone. No harm done. At least you can catch a ride to your next class. I do love a good practical joke. I am glad to be back home.
Warm regards and have a wonderful day,
Headmaster Dumbledore