This is one of two kits sold in 2004 that was a collection of previously sold Harry Potter LEGO® playsets. Unlike the other kit from 2004 (the Maurader's Map Kit), this kit does not include different playsets that can be combined for bigger, better, more fun play times.
The Knight Bus Collection looks to me like it was targeted towards collectors of Harry Potter sets rather than kids because it contained both the full sized Knight Bus and the mini version. There is no denying that the mini Knight Bus is cute but it has incredibly limited play value because it is so small and you cannot fit minifigs inside.
I have never seen this kit listed on either Amazon or eBay but I’ve included links to both sources just in case you get lucky. However, it will be much easier for you to buy the sets that were included in this kit separately, which is why I’ve included links to each set in the description.
Set K4755 - Knight Bus Collection

Year Released: 2004
Set Number: K4755-1
Name of Set: Knight Bus Collection
Book Set is Based On: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Sets in Kit:
4695 - Mini Knight Bus
4755 - Knight Bus
This LEGO® set contains small pieces that could be a choke hazard and is not meant for children age three and younger. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.