This is a great set! It is the only set from all the Harry Potter LEGO® sets that isn't of a magical place. In fact, the Dursleys home is about as unmagical as you can get!
There are plenty of surprises for you with this set. If you peek under Harry's bed you will find a hidden storage area. There is even a cupboard under the stairs. Also, remember what the car did in the story? Yep, it pulled the bars free from Harry's bedroom window so that he could escape and that's exactly what happens with this set! You can hook up the car to the window and pull it out.
Harry Potter and Ron Weasley are wearing Muggle clothes, which makes for a nice change from the other sets where they are wearing school clothes. Uncle Vernon looks suitably angry, as he pretty much always does.
Set 4728 - Escape from Privet Drive

Year Released: 2002
Set Number: 4728-1
Name of Set: Escape from Privet Drive
Book Set is Based On: Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets
Number of Parts: 269
Minifigures: 3 - Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Vernon Dursley
Creatures: 2 - Owl and spider
Minimum Recommended Age to Build This Set: 7 years old
If you have Dobby from Dobby's Release then you can recreate the scene where Dobby meets Harry for the first time. If you are really creative you can even make a dessert for Dobby to magically levitate throughout the house.
The car is large enough for both Ron and Harry to fit inside. If you also have Aragog in the Dark Forest then you can use the car from this set to rescue Harry and Ron from Aragog and his family!
I would like to point out that the minifigs seen below are inaccurate. Whoever built them put Uncle Vernon's hair on Harry and vice versa. You can do that, too, if you want, but I'm guessing that you probably won't.
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Image Source: All images are used with permission by atlike
This LEGO® set contains small pieces that could be a choke hazard and is not meant for children age three and younger. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.