Photo credit: Hagrid and Fang by Le-ARi
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
Today at Hogwarts a great wrong will be righted. For decades a travesty has been here at Hogwarts. Our beloved Hagrid was accused and has suffered in silent shame for decades this wrong. The Ministry has rescinded all of its charges and accusations toward this outstanding member of our school, and a dear friend to me. Hagrid has shown his love for the students, faculty, and school throughout the decades, never wavering in his devotion. In the Great Hall today a celebration and ceremony will be held. Hagrid will receive his diploma to Hogwarts School of Magic and has rights to use magic openly. I have long lobbied for his innocence over the decades, gathering facts and evidence. I cannot say how proud I am to see this wonderful man be exonerated of all charges and his record be put straight. In the past only small amounts of progress were made toward his innocence. The ceremony will be held a 3:00 pm sharp. All to attend.
Warm regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore