Photo credit: Hogwarts Castle Wallpaper by Hardgamerpt
Caution This Morning Students and Faculty:
Troubling thoughts fill my head this morning. Last night in my dreams odd and terrifying things happened at Hogwarts. It was very real but I was not participating in it, only observing. As I walked through the school things happened before my eyes but I could not intervene, nor could I stop and stare for long. I was moved along by a force I could not understand or control. Walking down the corridors the stones that held the school together where disassembling themselves and floating around the hallways. Students and teachers where running everywhere, trying to dodge the large stones floating around. Some not making the move correctly and being knocked about by the stones as they floated freely. Horrifying! I retrieved my wand from my robe to protect the ones in trouble but I could not. The spells and charms I cast had no effect. I could only watch as this travesty took place. The sounds of cries from far and near could be heard throughout the castle. I awoke in a cold sweat with a sense of despair and anxiety. What could this mean ? Could this happen and I could not help. Would teachers and students be harmed? Is this some how what the crystal ball is forewarning me about? "In the night times 3, Headmaster, you will learn of things to be. Listen close for you shall hear voices call from far and near."