Photo credit: Enya CD cover by JuneJenssen
Good Morning Students and Staff:
It was a long and tiring trip. One filled with sadness and memories of old. It is good to be home! Today a day when we celebrate life! A dear friend and wonderful student who graduated from Hogwarts with honors. After graduation she decided to live and be an entertainer in the muggle world where she has become a legend. Eithne Pádraigín Ní Bhraonáin, but you will know her as Enya. Her voice is like a thousand angels singing all at once. She will be staying and performing at Hogwarts for a short time. Check the schedules and do come to her performances, they are legendary. I have been to many over the years. A very magical time is to be had! One might say I am her biggest fan. My daily reports will be sporadic for a while. It is summer and a little fun is needed now and then.
Warm regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore