Scholastic published the Harry Potter Magical Creatures Coloring Book in January of 2016. It proved to be just as popular as the one that came before it, which is no surprise to me. The Harry Potter Magical Creatures Postcard Coloring Book is a variation on the first book. It took 20 pictures from that book and turned them into postcards that you can color and either keep or send to family and friends.
Inside this book you will find images of the creatures that Harry encountered, including cornish pixies, Fluffy the three headed dog, dragons, and thestrals. There are also owls and mermaids.
It is too soon to know if this book will have full color images of the art at the back of the book, like the other coloring books in this series, but I would be surprised if it didn't. Also, the art was designed by multiple artists, which gives a nice variety to the works.
Harry Potter Postcard Coloring Book:
Magical Creature
Available for sale on May 31, 2016. You can preorder it today on Amazon.
Prevent Bleeding Onto The Back Of A Page...
As I researched the Harry Potter coloring books I came across someone who experimented with various pens and pencils to find out which ones bled through to the back of a page (where there is another image to be colored), and which did not. Here are the results of that testing:
Safe To Use (no ink bleeding)
India ink pens
color pencils
Avoid (causes ink bleeding)
Alcohol based markers
Water based markers
Gel pens