I wrote a post of 12 gift ideas for kids but I know that children are not the only ones who love Harry Potter and his world. Therefore, it seems only fair that I foliow up with a post about 12 Harry Potter gifts for adults.
Okay, I have a confession to make. You can pretty much assume that everything seen here is on my wish list (that's a not-so-subtle hint to my husband!) and I would be very happy if I received any of these items for Christmas or my birthday because they are all great gift ideas.
Every one of the 12 items on this list is sure to make the Harry Potter fan in your life wildly happy! Of course, you can buy any of them for yourself if you want, which I just might have to do if my husband doesn't take my hint...

True fans of Harry Potter will wear a Hogwarts house bathrobe with pride! There are four styles, one for each Hogwarts house - Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. The robes are all made of cotton and are black with a bit of trim color that matches the house for that robe.
Deathly Hallows Necklace or Bracelet

We may not have learned about the Deathly Hallows and what they were until the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but now that we know we want them! The closest we Muggles can get is through jewelry and there are plenty of necklaces and bracelets to choose from.
Drinking Glasses

The number of Harry Potter drinking glasses is almost staggering! There are shot glasses, coffee mugs, tumblers, and travel mugs so you can get the type of glasses that works best for your needs. They have various sayings or images from the series on them such as the Deathly Hallows symbol, Obliviate, Felix Felicis, or Polyjuice Potion.

We all know that Barty Crouch Jr. was able to fool everyone into thinking he was really Mad Eye Moody for an entire school year by drinking Polyjuice Potion. He drank his potion from a flask that he kept on him at all times. Flasks make a great gift and there are loads to choose from with a variety of sayings. Some flasks are wrapped in letter or adorned with beads but all are awesome!
Hogwarts Steamer Trunk

The steamer trunks are beautifully crafted and fully functional trunks that can be used to store your favorite Harry Potter gear, such as wands, books, DVDs, and Chocolate Frog cards! There are several different styles of the steamer trunks to choose from, and each trunk includes a special gift, such as a patronus charm or a bag of candy.
Marauders Map Blanket
Movie Film Cell

Give the gift of movies in a totally unique way with film cells. These are actual film cell clips from one of the eight Harry Potter movies mounted and framed along with a picture (you choose which movie the film cell is from). There are many different designs to choose from so you can get just the right piece of art for the fan in your life.
Page To Screen Books

Bringing the Harry Potter books to the big screen took a lot of work and imagination. There are several books that have been released that show the behind-the-scenes details about how this was done and reading about it is fascinating! I've got two of the books and want them all because the books are beautifully made. There is even a Collector's Edition, seen in the image below, with eight of the books that I would LOVE to have!
Print Made From Full Text

There are a lot of posters and prints that depict various characters or scenes from the many Harry Potter stories but there is one print in particular that is a must for fans. The print you see below is a picture of Harry's glasses and his owl Hedwig, but what makes this particular print so amazing is that it was made from the entire text of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!
Snuggy Blanket

There are snuggy blankets (or is it snuggie? I'm not sure…) that are made to look like Hogwarts robes but are actually blankets with sleeves. There are a couple different styles - one looks like a house robe and the other looks like a house robe with a scarf. They may look like robes but I assure you that they are blankets. The clothing appearance is part of each blanket.
Wizard Chess

Wizard chess is just like Muggle chess except that it is much more violent. Oh, that and the pieces are still traditional chess pieces except that they have a distinctive look that comes from the first movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. If you know someone who loves both chess and Harry Potter then this the perfect gift for that person.
This is fricking awesome