Photo credit: Horace Slughorn by jlestrange
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
Exiting information! Professor Slughorn was on one of his walks around the castle when he noticed a crack in the wall glistening. Upon investigation and using several spells on the crack, using the Reveal charm "Apuarecium", it revealed itself to be an unfound room hidden with magic for centuries. A large ancient door appeared and opened up. Inside the room where all sorts of uncatalogued Hogwarts artifacts from the 15th century. To Professor Slughorn's surprise there where also two ghosts trapped in the room guarding the entrance. Once seeing the professor they immediately gave warning, but stood down after Professor Slughorn reasoned with them that it had been 600 years and that no harm was forth coming. The ghost names are John the Executioner and William Nailbitter. They have been freed and welcomed into all of Hogwarts again. Updates to come at a later date.
Have a wonderful day.
Headmaster Dumbledore