Photo credit: Madame Pince the Librarian by mionebookworm
Festive Morning Students and Faculty:
Librarian Madam Irma Pince has brought to my attention that someone has been entering the Restricted section of the library in the early hours of the night. Several rare and sensitive books have been moved and their pages agitated. One of the restricted books, "Spells and Potions for the Black at Heart", written by Basil The Bulgar Slayer, was particularly agitated as it is now fighting with the other books in the restricted section. Professor Snape is working on settling things down in the area. Safety measures will be put in place to assure that no one will have access to the restricted section unless they have the proper pass. We will be investigating and looking for the perpetrator. Classes are normal today. Quidditch game tomorrow. Announcements will be made in the morning.
Safe day.
Headmaster Dumbledore