Photo credit: In the Forbidden Forest by clockworkparadox
Interesting Night Students and Faculty:
The game ended at 9:09 pm. Gryffindor won 230 to 90. Game well played. On the way back to the school we all noticed fire shooting up from The Forbidden Forest. It almost looked like the trees were shooting fire up into the sky. It lit the night brilliantly! As far as we could tell nothing was burning, no smoke could be seen or smelled. Curious. The staff and I came to the conclusion that no danger was the school in at that time. We have watched all night and the phenomena only subsided at the approach of dawn. Hagrid and I will be going to meet with some of the forest dwellers this morn to see what it was and if there is danger. Night time at and around Hogwarts these days has become alive with activity. Know for now that the school and its members are safe. I will update with news as I find out answers.
Headmaster Dumbledore