Photo credit: Forbidden Forest by Mellodee
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
There have been some developments in the Forbidden Forest last night. No longer are the flames from the fire shooting from the tops of the trees during the night. Early in the evening the flames stopped shooting from the tree tops and descended to the ground. They formed a mass on the ground. Almost as if standing. Warmth could be felt as we observed but no burning could be felt from touching it. When touched, it seemed to react to it. Curious! The forest dwellers, teachers, Hagrid, and I observed this until the fire seemed to burn itself out in a couple of hours. Movements almost seemed deliberate, with intent. Very curious! Once again, all seems well today. Classes as usual. I will update when I have more to tell.
Headmaster Dumbledore
Good morning Students and Faculty
There have been some developments in the Forbidden Forest last night. No longer are the flames from the fire shooting from the tops of the trees during the night. Early in the evening the flames stopped shooting from the tree tops and descended too the ground. They formed a mass on the ground. Almost as if standing. Warmth could be felt as we observed but no burning could be felt from touching it. When touched it seemed to react too it. Curious! The forest dwellers, teachers, Hagrid and I observed this until the fire seem to burn it’s self out in a couple of hours. Movements almost seemed deliberate with intent. Very curious ! Once again all seems well today. Classes as usual. I will update when I have more to tell.
Regards Headmaster Dumbledore