Photo credit: Firenze teaching Divination by philotic-net
Good Morning Students and Staff:
Firenze from the centaur colony in the Forbidden Forest has come to me with a new class idea. Centaurs have long been known for their archery skills with bow and arrow. Now, I know we all use wands and this is not to replace them, this is just for fun. Firenze says archery can develop upper-body strength, flexibility, balance/posture, core strength, and hand-eye coordination. All things needed when using a wand. So I have given him an open class to use and you may sign up for it near the entrance to the Great Hall. Look for the ledger on the pedestal. I might want to try it myself. All classes are normal times today. Oh, and Professor Sprout is back so I will be in my office today. It was fun teaching again. I would love to substitute teach again.
Headmaster Dumbledore