Photo credit: Dumbledore and Fawkes by LongLiveQueenueg
Good Morning Students and Staff:
And so the day begins!!
As usual, it is custom to play a prank on one of the teachers the first day of school. This year I was the recipient of this prank. This morning when I woke I was floating three feet above my bed. Thank you for sparing the others. "Insert laughter here"
Now, on to the day. The stairs today are little rusty so take care to watch what floor you get off at. They were used very little this summer so keep a keen eye out. They also seem to be moving rather quickly, too. Professor Trelawney has predicted that this year will be odd at the school. As to what that means I do not know. Oh well! Professor Slughorn sends his best as he is away on travel in the Peruvian mountains. Wishing all his old students well this year. He also wishes Professor Finnigan a good year, too. Alright, off to class. PIP PIP!!
Headmaster Dumbledore