Photo credit: Harry Potter Dragon
Good Morning Students and Staff:
Well, it has been an interesting morning. As I was walking to the Great Hall for breakfast I tripped on a rug edge and fell to the ground, smashing my knee. I had to levitate myself off the floor and float to the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey helped repair my injuries. So, now that I am up and walking again, let's start the day over for me. Now, this evening for your entertainment in the Great Hall magical art will be preformed by none other than Adolfas Munchisen, renowned wizard artist. His art is most interesting in that he paints on air and his paintings come to life and express themselves in different ways. One of his paintings is a scene of a dragon flying into a cave while breathing fire that was know to singe the hairs of guests eyebrows and beards. Show time 6:47 pm. Come prepared for excitement!
Headmaster Dumbledore