Photo credit: Hogwarts Stairways by LovelyHufflePuff
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
It has been an interesting morning. All the water in the school has shut off. Not a drop is coming from any taps. Must have the loo. Mr. Filch is looking into it. Now, onto today's changes. The stairs to the 3rd floor are now in the 2nd floor position and the 6th floor stairs are in the 7th floor position. Most of the choir frogs have returned so practice will be held on time. They do seem rather happy, too!! Potions class will be held on the 3rd floor storage room, as yesterday one of the students produced a very smelly extraction and the class had to be cleared. We are airing the room out now. My, what a list. Can anything else happen? A statement I should not have made. Oh well. Try and enjoy the day.
Headmaster Dumbledore